Monday, July 16, 2007


Last night was fucking unbelievable... we saw Klaxons wandering through the crowd so we followed them over to where Cadence Weapon was playing... when I walked up they said "What's this guy called?" so I told them and they were like "yeah yeah, he's fucking great"... I mentioned if they thought that was great they needed to hear "Sharks"... then I made a horribly braindead decision to say "Hey, last night at the Debonair Social Club was awesome"...

Ok, now rewind. Vice and Modular were throwing a party at the Debonair Social Club was billed as Klaxons and Voxtrot DJing. We showed up after a long queue and made our way downstairs to a somewhat crowded dancefloor (that was only lit with red lights which was awesome) and the first person I see is Steffan (Klaxons' maybe permanent touring drummer) so I figure "oh they must be here". Bleary eyed from standing in the sun all day I could have SWORN I saw Jamie standing behind the glass in the DJ booth at one point...

...Fast forward and I've got Jaime telling me "I was supposed to play but I didn't show!"... uhhh, whoops... "Hehehehe (sunburned cheeks getting redder)"... to which he said "Well yeah, was I good then?" to which I said "Oh, you were fucking awesome, you don't even know!"... more laughing and at least at this point I feel more goofy than I do totally retarded. I had said "I thought I saw you in the booth, and I saw Steffan there" and he said "Steff showed but I couldn't make it, I was just too worn out"... understandable... then we took the picture and I went on my mary way...

That moment was important foreshadowing... fast forward a couple more hours to see the greatest moment of the whole Pitchfork festival... apparently Klaxons decided they REALLY liked Cadence Weapon because they brought him on stage for "Magick" and blew the roof off. It was crazy awesome and I wish I had a video camera for it... he was rapping so fucking fast and they guys were so into it. The first show I saw with them was great but this was legendary. At the end Simon destroyed everything on stage pretty much (which I have some very blurry pictures of). All said and done it was a perfect gig... there were WAY too many people standing there and we had to leave a few songs in and go to the back... it was the type of crowd where if you fall you die and it's 105 degrees from peoples body heat. The crowd thinned out a lot because of that but the people who stayed saw the best show of the weekend!

Here's something to remember it by...

Klaxons- "Atlantis To Interzone (Hadouken Remix)" zShare

Klaxons- "Atlantis To Interzone (Hadouken Remix)" YSI... which will probably be dead by the time you get to it... YSI needs to offer more bandwidth... I have to use it though or Hype won't post the track!

P.s. There were these three hilarious British guys right in front of us in the crowd being so fucking goofy. The one guy points at this kid in a fluorescent hat and says "That guy over there is new rave. The rest of you are old rave. But he doesn't even know he's new rave and that is irony." Trust me that was really funny when you've been standing in one place for 45 minutes during the worst soundcheck in history.

P.P.S. Apparently this is Simon's favourite shirt :)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

The best day of your life... remixed...

Boy what a week. Exhausting to say the least. HOWEVER, I've got the light at the end of the tunnel however on my hard drive... I've got the hottest fucking remixes on earth and all of them straight from the source (which means that high bitrate you DJs are seeking)!

I just checked my email to find that Arcadia favs To My Boy had just sent over their "previously un-blogged" Sinden remix of their track "Model". This song, without question, has peak time dancefloor tune written all over it. A few years from now you'll hear this tune on a mix cd that you forgot you had and think "Man, 2007 was full of fucking bangers! That To My Boy track reminds me of how awesome life was before robots took over the world"... no, but seriously, this is the sound of the summer hands down...

Rally around for an Arcadia Exclusive...

To My Boy- "Model (Sinden Remix)" zShare

To My Boy- "Model (Sinden Remix)" YSI

As if that weren't enough... I've got more shit to get you moving. My last post was a b-side from awesome dance-rockers South Central... and apparently they enjoyed what I had to say about them because they hooked me up with some remixes for you guys! I hope you guys dig these as much as I do... South Central are like Sam and my template for State Crime... one day we'll gather up some money and get them to do remixes for us.. keep you eyes are ears peeled for that one lol...

The first track is a remix for newbies Twisted Charm that hasn't been posted anywhere else yet. I was reading 'Dazed and Confused' and came upon a little article about them so my interest was already piqued... and then BOOM, S.C. shoot their wicked grimey remix of their track into my inbox and not only was my curiosity satiated but I was also blown away. I have yet to hear the original but if it's half as awesome as this remix I'll pass out.

Twisted Charm- "Boring Lifestyles (South Central Extended Remix)" zShare

Twisted Charm- "Boring Lifestyles (South Central Extended Remix)" YSI

And lastly is a South Central remix (and Arcadia exlusive) for a band I've kind of slept on. I saw a bit about Radar in errrr Radar (in NME) I think a couple months back but didn't take the time to look them up because I'm usually wading in a sea of music that goes up to my eyeballs. The nugget floated to the top of that sea and South Central bring the pain and rock the dance floor to pieces.

Radar- "War Out There (South Central Radio Edit)" zShare

Radar- "War Out There (South Central Radio Edit)" YSI

For good measure here is a South Central vid for you!
south central

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I hope you guys enjoyed this overdose of awesomeness. I can easily say that this is the single greatest day in Arcadia history... please leave comments and let To My Boy and South Central know that you appreciate it. In the meantime keep checking back for more of your British favourites.

