Drip, drip, drip goes the leak.
It's frustrating to see work from your friends find it's way on to the internet a little too soon... BUT Heads We Dance have always been about sharing even their singles with fans so, while this release may not have been when they wanted it to come out, I know for a fact they are happy for you guys to have access to this track (albeit a little early lol)...
Heads We Dance - "When the Sirens Sound (Don Diablo Remix)" YSI
Heads We Dance - "When the Sirens Sound (Don Diablo Remix)" Mediafire
Heads We Dance - "When the Sirens Sound (Don Diablo Remix)" zShare

Here's the official press from our good buddy Don Diablo (the busiest man in dance music lol):
Don Diablo (www.myspace.com/dondiablo) has cooked up a mighty tasty remix for the forthcoming single "When the Sirens Sound" by Heads We Dance (www.myspace.com/headswedance). Don turns the electropop original into a heavy dancefloor destroyer that is sure to rock soundsystems across the globe. The full e.p. will be released on Monday May 18th on Gash Digital. Also on remix duties are Russ Chimes, Hot Pink Delorean and Geek Chic Soundsystem, but make sure you grab the Don Diablo remix, right here right now!
I don't know about you guys but now I'm even more stoked to hear the other remixes. Their album Love Technology is already a sure shot for my top 10 albums of 2009 and the year isn't even half over! You'll understand why once you hear it... it's gonna blow your mind and you ear drums!
I do have to say though... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy this release. You're getting most of it for free but, in my opinion, that's all the more reason to buy it. This band is giving you their hard work (which cost a lot to make) for free, and if you enjoy it, the least you could do is throw a couple quid their way for being so fan-centric. HWD have given me loads of stuff to give to you guys free... and so I ask you (not them) to please at least buy digital copies of the single(s) and the forthcoming album. It would mean a lot to me and would help prove to me that this blog is doing what it's supposed to :)
Check back soon because I have a backlog of a LOT of stuff to get you guys!
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