Friday, June 26, 2009

Jahcoozi presents new "Namedropper" video!

Well, you know I've been reluctant to post recently... but when you get an email from your boy, it makes you wanna jump out of bed and get a post up!

And even if I were totally depressed and didn't wanna move I know that something new from Jahcoozi is bound to put me in a better mood :) Check this slice of fried gold out...

Jahcoozi- "Namedropper" Video

JAHCOOZI - NAMEDROPPER from mother perera on Vimeo.

To really keep this within the Arcadian Family lol... Jahcoozi is playing @ Fabric in London next weekend July 3rd (just 3 days before you can cop the "Namedropper" SINGLE).

This next weekend is my 1 year anniversary... wish I could be at Fabric with Robert, and James, and London folk for it :( Maybe next year yeah? Once Michigan stops having a 12% unemployment rate we might be able to make that happen...

Speaking of Arcadian Family... I know I'd put up a lot of coverage... and I didn't want to drown you guys in favouritism but... Heads We Dance have released their brilliant Love Technology. And it's perfect that they released it right at the official beginning of summer, because that's what it is, it's the perfect summer album for morning, noon, or night. Along with Little Boots, Frankmusik and Simian Mobile Disco (who won't be bringing you their sound until the "end of summer")... Heads We Dance will help keep your summer awesome, and memorable, without question. I realize that HWD and Little Boots are the only ones with albums out but I PROMISE that the other two albums are must haves for your summer... (p.s. I love the cover, with the binary code and the heart, and the cool type face... fucking sweet)...

But the album right now through iTunes!

Since I mentioned it... I'm going to post a review of Frankmusik's Complete Me album soon. I wanted to get Vince's seal of approval first, but he's so busy, I'm going to take his silence as a seal of approval. He has a copy of the review (it was written in February)... we all know the album is awesome, but I'll tell you why in my opinion...

OH YEAH... I also wanted to repost that GoldieLocks song so it would show up on Hype Machine. Make sure you read about the podcast in the previous post. You know, as well as I do, without Hype you don't get any traffic...

GoldieLocks- "Fuckabout"
NOTE: This was a YSI file so that it would hit Hype Machine, but since it did show up, I'd rather you download it from where it came from. I think some of these take down notices come from "reposting" the track on a 3rd party file sharing service (i.e. Mediafire, YSI, MegaUpload) to get the track to show up on the aggregators. I don't need any trouble so, please, read the previous post about the Red Bull podcast and get it from the right place :)

Ok, enjoy all this jazz... and I'll be back as soon as I can. I still have loads of interviews from before I got sick to post... but I also will be m.i.a. from about Saturday of this week til next Friday dealing with a personal health issue. Anyway, keep checking back! Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Are DMCA take downs the end of Blogging? Well, I'll give you this GoldieLocks track at least...

It's probably worth noting that it's been nearly a month since I've posted.


First off I've got this pneumonia that I'm trying to shake. Apparently three different antibiotics haven't worked too well :) There are days where I've literally just sat in one position for nearly 16 hours I've felt so awful.

Second... I've been depressed. I haven't been able to put my fingers to the keyboard. I've been working on some stuff, but nothing I can actually put out for anyone to read, it just seems everything comes out crap. I thought getting fired would give me more time to write... in stead I'm staring at the ceiling.

And third, and perhaps most importantly to you the reader, my last post got taken down. It was a LONG post (because I'd been at DEMF/Movement and hadn't had time to write, right before I got really sick) which can still be found over at MOG. I told myself I wasn't going to post anything until I found out what happened to that post! I mean if it's a DMCA take down? This blog could get shut down...

Well, lo and behold, I finally got the notice about two days ago. IT TOOK THEM A MONTH TO SEND THE DAMN THING! And what pisses me off the most is there wasn't ONE thing on there that wasn't legit. It was all sent from the labels. Grrrrrrrr... GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHT IFPI! Stop messing with legit blogs!

OK! On to the music... there's a podcast here I think you should check out. In turn I've got a GoldieLocks track for ya... pretty solid trade off yeah? I can't remember if we've really done a profile on her yet. I remember looking into her early work as a producer but I never expected her to be a solo artist. Might good stuff... read below to see how the podcast and the track go together :)

GoldieLocks- "Fuckabout"

Red Bull Music Academy presents Wandering Feet podcast

Episode 4 / 2009

This month, Baaba Maal, Dave Longstreth (Dirty Projectors) and Subeena are interviewed, and GoldieLocks, Photonz and Debruit are on the playlist!

Download the Wandering Feet Podcast and join music journalist, and Red Bull Music Academy team member, Emma Warren, for her take on new music, collaboration and emerging talent with a special UK focus. In this brand new episode, we hear from ex-RBMA participant, producer Subeena who joins Emma in the Wandering Feet studio to share the inside story on some of her hottest tracks. As ever in Wandering Feet we've got words of wisdom from some of the most exciting and pioneering musicians around including Baaba Maal, who joins us to talk about the many collaborations that he's worked on, and Dave Longstreth from Brooklyn based band The Dirty Projectors with the inside story on their unusual method of songwriting. And of course there'll be music, this episode is packed to the hilt with some of the best new music around including some underground Portugese Techno from Photonz, Parisian post funk from Debruit featuring Om'Mas Keith from Sa Ra Creative Partners and Jamie Woon, plus a cut from Croydon dubstep princess GoldieLocks.

Download the podcast here:

And you can find it on iTunes here:

Or subscribe on iTunes here:

Now THIS isn't British but my man Don Diablo has really picked the right tracks to fuck with!

Don Diablo ( revisits The Roots classic ''The Seed 2.0'' with added beats, synths, violins and percussion to get yo bodymovin' on till the break of dawn! Download track through following Mediafire link and feel free to share on your blog!

Don Diablo vs The Roots - "The Seed 3.0"

Don Diablo ( revisits The Roots classic ''The Seed 2.0'' with added beats, synths, violins and percussion to get yo bodymovin' on till the break of dawn! This Sunday, June 28, he's playing Glastonbury Festival in the Dance Village (West Dance) and the night before, on Saturday June 27, he is playing Pete Tong's Wonderland night at Ministry of Sound in London. So, make sure you drop by one of those gigs if you're ready for some fresh tunes!

Ok, I'm hanging out with my wife. I'll be back soon!