Thursday, October 22, 2009

To My Boy give us a taste of what's to come!

"Famous people" are bitches. No, I'm serious. You can't really be 'friends' with them because they aren't even themselves... they're usually representations of a concept, not a person. It's a horrible delusion to think that someone who has succeeded in the entertainment industry would give a flying **** what you're doing.

THAT SAID... some people are successful, even famous, and are simply themselves. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you see it) the media doesn't really tend to fixate on these types; but they are prone to remember them when something new is offered up. Every once in a while being yourself can do you favours in showbiz; being the real article makes people want to remember.

Here at Arcadia we want to remember To My Boy... but it's hardly an issue seeing as we've never forgotten! They have always been extremely hospitable and make you want to root for them, make you want to be friends with them even. I got an email from Jack Snape the other day about some new material they were working on...

It's best explained through the press from over at their label...
"Their label is currently hosting a download of new material and To My Boy's Jake Snaple alerted me to this awesomeness a couple of days ago... I wish I hadn't been so bust and had been able

To My Boy were the first ever signing to Abeano, back when it was a record label rather than the blog it is today. Two years ago, back when everyone was still listening to landfill indie, TMB were exploring bold new frontiers, making this weird Buggles-y pop that sounded like Clive Sinclair fronting OMD.

Despite selling a decent number of ‘Messages’ , Jack (above left) and Sam were disillusioned that in some quarters, being ahead of the curve was held against them rather than celebrated. They decided to take a break from music indefinitely both returning to university, singer Jack enrolling in a PhD in Physics…

I’m glad to report that Jack e-mailed me a few weeks back with news of a follow up to ‘Messages’. ‘The Habitable Zone’ is a concept album about what will happen when civilization drains earth of it’s natural resources, and the planet’s population has to migrate to another part of the galaxy. It’s really tremendous, positively Bowie-like in it’s lyrical content, maintaining an eerie sense of loss and displacement throughout. Not unlike, Duncan Jones’ recent Moon …

Basically, the new Enemy album it is not.

They’ll be releasing ‘The Habitable Zone’ themselves sometime next year. In the meantime, Jack has allowed me to post this demo, a brilliant new track called ‘Us & The Wind’. If I understand it correctly (!) it’s about how they’re using the sun to create a new eco system in the Habitable Zone, but ruing the loss of the brilliant nature created system they had on Earth. While reminiscing about what happened when the rising sea levels really began to hit home on Earth. It’s incredible, fo’ real. Please let us know what you think of it in the comments, no one’s heard this before!"

I'm going to host a short download simply so this hits the Hype Machine. I suggest you actually get the download from over at Please leave your comments because I'm very excited as to what you think of it!

To My Boy- "Us + The Wind"

Enjoy! I'll be back soon...

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