Thursday, June 29, 2006

Intonation Wrap-Up (Pt1)

So... I have to say (and I have mentioned it a LOT on different internet outlets) it was one of the best weekends of my life. Seriously... I thought it was amazing. It made me miss my raving days when the WHOLE weekend would be that cool EVERY weekend! But yeah... just about every show minus Blue Cheer and High On Fire was great... those two bands suck unless you are an gas huffing metal head who cuts your self for Satan. The weather was great, all the staff on sight were nice, the merch tents were affordable and the people were cool, I had my lovely girlfriend in tow and for the first time in a long time life was perfect... I can't wait to put the pix up from the show. I am looking to get them scanned tonight! My lovely is making me dinner and making a present for me so I get the feeling I may have other things to "do" than scan photos (wink)! If anyone else went I would love to know HOW it went for you and hear your stories. I just want to share as MUCH of the magic as I can with you folks so... I figured I'd put up songs that featured as many of the artists as possible. Since Bloc Party (who signed their first EP for me), The Streets (I met Mike Skinner for two seconds after he performed), Lady Sovereign (who I took a pic with), and non-Brit funk-synth-rawkers Chromeo were there I'll post songs that feature all those artists in some sort of way!

The Streets- "Fit But You Know It (Remix feat. Kano, Lady Sov, and Tinchy Stryder)"

Chromeo- "Needy Girl (Bloc Party Remix)"

Aw man, that shit was fucking sweet! If you missed it you STILL HAVE THE CHANCE TO MAKE PITCHFORK NEXT MONTH! I think there are still a handful of tix left so I would RUN to you comp and buy some now so you don't miss out on that shit! Albion/Arcadia favourites Art Brut and The Futureheads will be there, as well as my boy DJ Autobot (Curt) and his friend Josh (or J2K) as Flosstradamus, and new-school-hip-hop-MIA-boyfriend Diplo. GET YOUR TIX NOW MOTHERFUCKER! There's something for everyone! Bring your children (if you have them... and if you have them consider why you are still going to rock concerts unless you are rich)!

p.s. Make sure you listen to The Spirit Of Albion tomorrow as Radiohead Dave and I will be doing live covers of our favourite songs... also keep updated because I'm supposed to be doing an interview with Drew from Babyshambles soon! He got a hold of me today and gave me his personal number so I just need to get a calling card now!

To buy music from the artists mentioned check the posts above and below this for links. I'm too lazy to write the code for that right now... but I will do this one...

Grab music by Chromeo

Or get the free Chromeo Mix Tape @ The Vice Records Blog!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Robot Rock?

So I go get me NME the other day and lo and behold! They actually have the CD that comes with it! So I comb through it try to avoid the complete and utter shit (Panic!@The Disco, Fall Out Boy... ok maybe I listened to a couple seconds but it was rubbish... I just needed to be sure why I hated them so much)... and I see OOHH The Klaxons are on this! It is a live version of "Gravity's Rainbow" which is just a fucking stormer of a track (I might give a tip to all you smart-pants DJs or you "must-make-a-perfect-mix-tape" kids that this song mixes PEFECTLY with "Believe" by The Chemical Brothers). This song manages to do EVERYTHING that Daft Punk wanted to do with their last CD and weren't able to pull off. It has an ace echoing synth and a driving beat right from the get go... it turns into a rocking, trashing example of what dance music SHOULD sound like in 2006. It's electro/house/rock/funk/punk fusion at it's best... I would say based on this one track that these guys live up to all the hype they are getting!

Another quick example of a rock/tech hybrid is.... oh hold your breath... this makes sense... the original version of "Talk" by Coldplay. Sure, you can call them bed wetters, but you can't say they don't write brilliant songs. This version of the Kraftwerk-riff-stealing song is more of an indie rock sing along than the commerical version on the album. This is what I expected Coldplay to sound like 3 albums in. It's really wonderful!

The Klaxons- "Gravity's Rainbow (LIVE)"

Coldplay- "Talk (Scrapped Version)"

Purchase music by Klaxons

Purchase music by Coldplay

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Oh what a week... sorry I haven't posted for a while (a month actually... I'll get my game back together... I wanna make this a fulltime thing!)... you know how it is. There have been a lot of ups and downs this week but thankfully more ups in the end! This weekend is the INTONATION FESTIVAL in Union Park... the line up is loaded FULL of brit bands such as Bloc Party, The Streets, and Lady Sov! I'm so fucking stoked... I was supposed to get press passes but of course SOMETHING had to get fucked up and they only had one pool of passes for two different departments (i.e. they were 50% short)... but I'm going to call the lady who gave me a bunch of passes and hopefully she can get me backstage for a couple mins! Just so I can pretend I'm important! Anyway... I thought I'd do a little pump up mix...

In other news Bilo added me on myspace... when I first found him like 10 people had looked at his profile... now 30,000 have and he has a 1,00 friends... at least I can say I was ahead of the pack! Drew from Babyshambles is supposed to do an interview with me next week for my radioshow so I'm getting closer and closer to meeting my idols lol. Anyway... onto the music... I'm posting the best bsides from Bloc Party and The Streets, and a BRAND NEW Sov track! ENJOY!

Bloc Party- "Always New Depths"

The Streets- "All Got Our Runnins"

Lady Sovereign- "Gatheration"

Pete Doherty- "Bound Together"

Pick up music from Bloc Party

Pick up music from The Streets

Pick Up music from Lady Sovereign

Pick Up Music from Pete Doherty
