These photos are stolen from
energetiko!'s Flickr account... just thought I should give him credit because my pix are on a disposable and I haven't gotten them developed yet... too poor!
So last night Sam and I went to see the Chemical Brothers and Ladytron at the Riviera in Chicago. I was wayyyyyyyyyy psyched to see both bands, especially the Chems since I've been waiting since high school, and not having to pay for it made it even cooler lol.
Ladytron we're (of course) very upset looking and emotionless but I imagine that's part of what they do. If they were all shiny happy people we'd be fucking weirded out. They went right into their set, once they got on stage, and unfortunately were having problems from the get go. I'm not sure I actually heard any guitar during that whole performance. Then Mira's keyboard, that was supposed to provide most of the electro based sounds we are so familiar with, was just totally dead for the first half of the set (someone had to run in and fix it... finally we were able to hear it). Finally they pulled it together (or rather their setup guy did) and the second half of the sohw went really well. This is where we got to hear "Seventeen" and "Destroy Everything You Touch", both of which I recorded and are at the bottom of this post.
Sam and I went to the balcony for the Chems (p.s. there was no air, or even fans, and it was hot as fucking blue blazes last night) just so we could relax as we were getting worn out. Their visual show is amazing and of course the music was totally spot on as well. I think the main thing that took away from the performance for me was that we couldn't get back into the pit to dance and instead I just found myself staring and trying to trace back every beat in my head the way all DJs do. Instead of just enjoying it I was waiting for songs to drop, or synths to change, or other technological things that no one should bother thinking about at a show. Am I right, or am I right?
Anyway they were fucking awesome and if you get the chance you should totally go see them. I highly advise not taking psychedelic drugs if you do go though because their is a really scary clown face during "Get Yourself High" that might send you to the hospital... I think that's a great way to convince people that electronic music is not just "drug music".... put up visuals that NO ONE on drugs would want to see and *POOF* problem solved! Now everyone in the audience is there because they really like the music lol! Brilliant!
I've tacked on a couple tracks that you already probably have but I can't really post anything new because I'd feel guilty... but I also can't not post MP3s... seeing as this is an MP3 blog and all! Hopefully a few of you are stumbling on to something new... if not then check out the videos below from the show...
The Chemical Brothers- "Electronic Battle Weapon 8"
The Chemical Brothers- "Electronic Battle Weapon 8" YSI
Ladytron- "Seventeen (Soulwax Remix)"
Ladytron- "Seventeen (Soulwax Remix)" YSI
Ladytron playing "Seventeen" part 1...
...and due to a text message cutting off my video, part 2 of "Seventeen" (my girlfriend didn't know any better, not her fault, so don't hate... appreciate! har har har)
Ladytron playing "Destroy Everything You Touch"... full song...
Chemical Brothers from the balcony...
Chemical Brothers "All Rights Reversed" from the floor...
And that's that. I've gotta write up this interview with Noise For The Passive, so if I were you, I would expect that as the next post. Or the remix from "youknowwhochip" that I'm sitting on til I get word otherwise. Later............
P.S. On a TOTALLY unrelated note, To My Boy just had a new single come out! Here's the info...
Our new single came out yesterday
There are 2 versions
7" one
A - Fear Of Fragility (single edit)
B - Type1>Type2
7" two
A - Fear Of Fragility (single edit)
B - Fear Of Fragility (acoustic version)
get them here>>
and you can get all the tracks on iTunes >>
The video is now on MTV2 ... vote for it in the NME chart here >>
Sam + Jack x
They are officially friends of the blog so I highly suggest that you cop that shit YA HEARD?!?!?