Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Feeling like the coolest kid on the block (Babyshambles)

It is well established at this point that I am the most fanatic Babyshambles fan in the blogosphere. Nary a week goes by without me posting a Babyshambles/Pete related material. Why? Because despite setbacks they are still the most visionary band (and he, the most visionary poet in at least a decade) on the scene... hell, they ARE the scene! Did you watch that 'Janie Jones' video?

Anyway... the very very very nice folks over at Parlophone/Regal were kind enough to give me a track from the Blinding E.P. which came out yesterday in the U.K., today in the U.S. (via Capitol Records). I think most of us who are hardcore fans have heard all of these songs in verying degrees of audio quality but can easily say I think we are going to be knocked out of the park when we hear the whole E.P.

The track I got is the lovely 'Love You But You're Green' which has been lying around, for quite some time now, waiting to be committed to an actual physical release. I think it was smart to fill this E.P. with the best material they had lying around to silence the haters and they couldn't have picked a better song than this (or actually better songs *plural* than these). The song starts with the same type of summery shimmering guitar that made Van Morrison's 'Brown Eyed Girl' such a hit, and then gracefully stumbles into Pete singing about the contents of his heart with the honesty that have made every Shambles release so endearing. It's subtle and amazing and the new flourishes that have been added add more character to an already perfect song.

Babyshambles- "Love You But You're Green" off The Blinding E.P. WMA version

Babyshambles- "Love You But You're Green" MP3 version

UPDATE: I posted this yesterday but it didn't make it to the Hype Machine, therefore, no one saw it! Which is a shame because this is a good post! I'll throw it up again in hopes of getting this track out to more people! I've also posted an alternate mp3 version in attempt for the Hype Machine to recognize it... I'm going to have to take them down in a couple days so get it while the gettings good!

And here's the new video:

I'd write more but I just wanted to get this up for you to download... you can offically say "I heard it first at 'In Search Of Arcadia'!

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