Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The great British "forgotten songs" post (Simian, So Solid Crew, and more)...

Seeing as I didn't "do" Halloween, this picture is my attempt at making up for it. Me in a bright coloured LRG-ripoff hoodie in a Detroit parking garage two months ago...

But anyway, I haven't been around much. You guys know why. School problems. Work changes. Girl issues. Two parents with serious problems. Just TOO MUCH STRESS! But during all this I've had a chance to listen to LOADS of music and find some stuff that I forgot about.

First off, y'all know how I love Simian Mobile Disco. I loved them when they were Simian. My ex, Megan, and I took a long drive to northern Michigan once listening to Zero 7, Princess Superstar (close friend of my future friend Larry Tee), and the first Simian album. Since it was such a long drive we drove these CDs into the dirt but it was a fun time. Then I didn't listen to any of those albums for quite some time... NOW I have rediscovered all three but, much to my excitement, I also rediscovered this gem. Simian did a remix of Zero 7's mega track "Destiny" giving it the most bizarre (and interesting) rework imaginable. Here I present it to you in all it's glory! From what I can tell the blogosphere has ignored this one entirely so bask in it's awesomeness...

Zero 7- "Destiny (Simian Remix)" YSI

Around that same time I was torturing this girlfriend with lots of rap music, and even more So Solid Crew. See, I liked that poppy MJ Cole 2 step stuff, but I also liked the insane macho craziness of the Crew. I recognize most people in the UK actually hate them because they started fights with other artists, half of them went to jail, and brought fan violence to new never before seen levels. In fact they may have ruined the country that year there were so many of them. BUT I really really loved them at first in an "ironic" way and eventually in a a real way. I'm no Ali G but we used to drive around Chicago BANGING this Playgroup remix like what. The Kelis one also got CONSTANT rotation. I used to play them on my radioshow all the time and... well if you disliked them back then, maybe this will give you new perspective, because it's good stuff (p.s. if anyone knows how to get a copy of the album in mp3 form please let me know!)...

Kelis- "Young Fresh and New (So Solid Crew Remix)"

Playgroup- "Number One (So Solid Crew Remix)"

Then in the 'new arrivals' corner we've got dear Kate Nash doing a cover of Black Kids' "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You" which is fucking crazy awesome. I've really been getting into Ms Nash recently which is refreshing because I haven't been listening to enough music made by girls for whatever reason. I like her, I dig that she's dating a Crib because I like them as well (which you know, of course, since I posted that CSS remix after I met them at Lollapalooza) and I feel like she's taking music in the right direction... more person, more authentic, and more awesome :)

Kate Nash- "I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You (Black Kids Cover)"

LASTLY... and this is kind of random but bare with me... My good friend Caitlin got canned a couple weeks back at work. It hurt because she is one of my closest friends and I spent more time with her than anyone around me. I take my job VERY seriously (always want to be the best, work like it's my own company always trying to do what's best, basically trying to beat my own record week after week) so it was hard to see her go. I still miss her quite a bit but thank GOD the person who replaced her is awesome... I just wish she had gotten to stay and work with him. His name is Pat... he's a white, suit and tie man, over the age of 35 who at first glance would make you worried that you couldn't meet up to his standards. In reality he's the nicest guy I've ever met, a fantastic mentor, and the type of boss who gives us hope even when the chips are down (no matter how rough the situation is). Thing is he really has a thing for R'n'b, especially bluesy stuff. This ranges from Keisha Cole to Billie Holiday. He had mentioned he really loved this song by Martha Washington called "Teach Me Tonight", which was more or less her signature song. While I couldn't get my hands on that I played him Amy Winehouse's version from LATER... with Jools Holland (presumably recorded during her first album since she was sans beehive) and he loved it. I threw Audacity up and grabbed the audio from the video for him to satiate his love for this song. Now I've got him very much into Mrs Winehouse SO much so that he played the album until I BECAME a fan of Winehouse lol. Anyway, here's the song in all it's glory...

Amy Winehouse- Teach Me Tonight (Martha Washington cover from 'LATER...')"

And that my friends is that for now. Join eMusic and make me $6. It's awesome trust me. Their new layout is great, they have shitloads of dubstep, random shit you'd never imagine, newly added audiobooks of like EVERYTHING and... it's a good buy where you support the artists you love and care about... as well as me lol... see you soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love Kate Nash! Thanks for this song.

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