Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tricky (Robot Koch Remix)!!!

It says "To Brenden, Love Tricky"

Robot Koch of Jahcoozi is one of the close friends of ISOA. Over the last two years a fair amount of people have been contacted, interviewed, visited, promoed etc for this blog (and the radio show The Spirit Of Albion) but very few people have come out as people I email for fun and keep a dialogue going with. Robot Koch is one of those people. I like messaging him about new music that I'm listening to, checking out what he's working on and is listening to, checking up on what Jahcoozi is doing... so when he's going something to share, you better bet that I'm all ears...

NOW... you all know how I love to tell stories... I mean I don't have a fancy layout like my pals Palms Out, and I rarely have exclusive content (unlike right now) so I gotta have stories... not to big up myself but I've got to keep it entertaining!

When I was like 16 I went to Chicago to meet up with my friends to see Tricky. My friend Joey (known as Joey Alone to you grafitti folk) picked me up at the train station and helped me get to the Vic Theatre. Problem was we were two hours late for some reason (can't remember). Exasperated and frustrated since I was two hours late meeting my 16 year old friends in an era without widespread cell phone usage, my underage smoking ass accepted defeat and sat in the alleyway next to the Vic to smoke and figure out how I would find my pals. This was also an era before mp3 players and I had a full cd booklet (like 50 some) in my backpack (along with their liner notes)... so I put my cigarettes back in with my cds in my backpack, and lo and behold who walks into the alleyway but Tricky. Three o'clock in the afternoon and here's like one of my biggest idols ever. Of course I try to act normal and am just like "Hey man what's up?" and Tricky is like "Just doing sound check. You coming to the show?" and I'm like "Yeah" with my super cool underage cigarette. So Tricky says "Well, I'll see you there!" like we're going to a rave together or something.

Two minutes later he comes back with the two dudes following him and is like "Can I get a cigarette mate?" and then I turn into a bumbling idiot. He asked what they were and I choked out "KAMEL REDS!"... like I could barely talk, so Joey did the talking because he was a punk rock kid and didn't know who Tricky was (although later decided he loved that shit). I pulled out my cds as they were conversing and Tricky seemed pretty stoked to see I had Maxinquaye, Premillenium Tension, Nearly God, and Angels with Dirty Faces all in my backpack... I wasn't expecting to meet him, and he knew that because he could tell we were panicked about not being able to find out friends, so he was stoked to see all the cds and signed all my liner notes. It meant I was a hardcore fan and he treated me as such, being as personable and cool as you can be to someone you've never met. After this 10 minute exchange Tricky had sent one of his guys off to buy him Kamel Reds and made me feel like I was part of his Chicago experience.

I found my friends. They were sitting a block away doing the same thing, just not meeting Tricky. They conned me into giving them each one of my autographs. Some gutter punks sold us a huge bottle of wine. We went to the show and Tricky smiled and nodded at me in the front row when he came on stage. I felt like god. We drove back to Milwaukee that night and I got so drunk I was seeing 3D. It was one of the greatest nights of my life except I left my Tortoise cd in Brian Perkin's car. That is how your teen years should be...

SO ANYWAY... Robot has a remix of what I'm assuming will be the new Tricky single seeing as he performed this song on Later... with Jools Holland... and it's a fucking banger. All hail Robot Koch... this song is soooo fucking hard you have no idea. There is another remix but... you can't have it :) That's for future listening yeah? Don't want to spoil all the surprises!

Tricky- "Council Estate (Robot Koch Remix)" YSI

Tricky- "Council Estate (Robot Koch Remix)" Rapid

BONUS! Here's an oldy but a best-y... you should really buy the Hell E.P.

Tricky vs Gravediggaz- "Tonight Is A Special Night" YSI <---- Real limited downloads here because this is something you should buy...

Come back from more awesomeness... Seriously, mad props to Tricky and Robot Koch... hopefully you'll see this very soon in a record shop (digital music store) near youuuuuuu :)

If you somehow forgot how awesome Tricky is... remember this?

Then peep Robot going crazy on this midi keyboard with Jahcoozi... this is my fav video of them...

SIDEBAR: Funny little note... you know with Jahcoozi (and everyone else featured here)... I read about them as a little blurb in a music mag or two and wrote down their name and thought "I really want to check out this band, I feel like I could really get into them"........ NOW, I have to say, I haven't exactly hit where I want to be in either the blogosphere or the music world, but this blog is proof that if you want something you can make it happen. I saw them in magazines, bought their albums/EPs/singles, and have ended up getting awesome shit like this sent to me. Not from a mailing list, from the artist. And honestly? It shows that the blogosphere is the new 'zine' of the present; it's a way to break down the space between fan and performer and ultimately it will endear people like you and I to bands like this... and we will buy their albums and go to their shows while the mainstream record companies fall on their faces. The indies labels (or just the bands) will make money, and be able to live as artists. I mean I already feel like I'm "part" of what they're doing and that makes me proud at the end of the day. Be proud that you're part of the future too. Go support Jahcoozi today....... their whole catalog is over at eMusic. Peace.

Download 25 FREE songs at!

P.P.S. Who is going to Lollapalooza? Let me know... we should meet up. I'm going to being showing a band, that the blog is a BIG fan of, the city of Chicago... and my mate who is also playing the festival is having a birthday that weekend... so are we partying Arcadians or what? Hit me up in the comments after you comment on the track :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Order new school/old school/out of school...

Alas, if Peter Hook is to be believed, last time I checked, New Order are no longer together. Funny thing seems to be that it was Anton Corbjin's suggestions about the Control soundtrack that helped bring the band to it's knees. Ironic that the man who took some of the most iconic shots of the band, and did their most iconic video (for "Atmosphere"), somehow accidentally helped "off" the band that sprung from Joy Division's ashes by making suggestions as he was doing a movie ABOUT Joy Division... phew... that was a sentence and a half! That's probably unfair... tensions in New Order have been high since the early years and the band has imploded repeatedly... so it probably wasn't Corbjin's fault. Bernard Sumner and Hooky have always seemed to differ on what New Order is/was all about but...

THAT is not the point of this post! Once upon a time electro pioneer Arthur Baker met up with New Order and recorded one of their best known songs called "Confusion". Arthur Baker had been the force behind "Planet Rock" and the young band apparently felt that sound was something that they felt fit with their music. This song has had an impact repeatedly since its original release and that's what I wanted to highlight.

Their have been AMAZING remixes of this song (one of the best done by my boy Larry Tee) but I thought I'd post an old one and a new one just to show you how this songs influence endures... New Order are amazing... more than amazing...

Also amazing... the opening scene of Blade where this song made it's imprint on the world a decade after its release. I'm posting the remix from this amazing scene that makes raves seem as awesome as they really are... but with blood... and swords...

New Order- "Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Remix)" YSI

New Order- "Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Remix)" Rapidshare

Now... this is a little newer... and I cannot justify slighting Ricardo Villalobos by putting this up as a "never ending download" a la Rapidshare... the point of this site is to PROMOTE music, not to "pirate it". So I'm willing to put up a 100 download, 7 day YSI link to help promote his music. Please, if you enjoy this please pick it up...

New Order- "Confusion (Ricardo Villalobos Remix)" YSI

Here's the original...

Hope you enjoyed this flashback/flashforward... I'll be back soon with a Radioactive Man post that will blow your socks off... see you soon!

Download 25 FREE songs at!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Herve & Sinden "Machines Don't Care" and new Ladyhawke!

Got some good stuff today... first off...Hervé & Sinden's new project Machines Don't Care. It's at the point where I don't see how these guys can do any wrong! It blows me away how much sheer quality they are pumping out but then again these guys work solo and in duos so there's a lot of potential for song making... shit is fireeeeeeee...

Machines Dont Care 12 minute Mini Mix 128kbp YSI

Machines Dont Care 12 minute Mini Mix 128kbp zShare

On another tip... sooooooooooooo... Ladyhawke isn't British. But she lives in the UK... and for today that's enough because the remix last time was sick and so is this one...

Ladyhawke- "Paris Is Burning (Alex Gopher Remix)" YSI

Ladyhawke- "Paris Is Burning (Alex Gopher Remix)" zShare

To roughly tie this all together... I was in the UK in 1999 in my hotel watching what was an absolutely awful stretch of MTV with Alice Deejay and the like... and suddenly I saw this fucking amazing video with all these words buzzing all over the place and I was completely wowed by the music and the video. That of course was Alex Gopher's The Child. The Verve Remixed albums probably owe Alex Gopher a lot for creating a real opening for jazz vocals and electronic music (not as though it hadn't been done before but this song was huge). The dialogue is probably a little much but I suppose... but it is still a design geeks wet dream... mmmm typography :) Over all the video has aged really well...

So that has nothing to do with anything, other than me making an excuse to put a French remixer up, but it's still worth posting the video! And it's a good memory. Despite only being a resident I'm gonna keep my eye on Ladyhawke... and I advise you to do the same :)

So that's it for today kids... sorry I haven't been posting much... down to one car :( But everything will be all right. All right. So keep checking in and I'll keep bringing the goods!

Download 25 FREE songs at!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Late Of The Pier videos might as well be a gift from god...

Late of The Pier are touring for to introduce their new single Space & The Woods/Focker (Double A Side out 19th May) into your brain... they also found time to make videos for both! For both? Yeah that's wild... I'm not used to double A-sides I guess!

Dates for the tour are on Myspace

Space & The Woods


EDIT: I believe the point of the 2nd video is that LOTP rock so hard they will melt your face off. That is all I have to say. Good day.

So this is the part where you say... "Um, where is the song? Is this not an mp3 blog? Arcadia guy you keep pushing it!"... well rest assured there is an awesome mp3... you just have to ummmm go get it :) But you probably want more new about LOTP right? Because they're about to be bigger than the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man lol...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Annie and Get Shakes have got 'Girlfriend' issues...

Ooooooooo... I got a hot remixxxxxxxxxx... from the new Annie album “Don’t Stop”...

I know right? That's fire.

‘Don’t Stop’ reunites Annie with Timo Kaukolampi and Richard X - collaborators from "Anniemal". We all know Richard X knows how to throw down (I heard that Kelis track he did one night when Matthew Dear and Swayzak were playing a show and remembered that as a pop producer, he's a genius, seriously) so I suspect this will be as sweet if not sweeter than the last album. I mean, fuck, it's got Franz Ferdinand’s Alex Kapranos AND Datarock on it! How could it not be?

So you're saying "Outside of Mr. Franz how the hell is this British? You seem to be bending the rules a lot nowadays!"... well smarty pants hipster blog reader you... Get Shakes (formerly known as just Shakes... check out "Sister Self Doubt") are from the UK so HA! HA I SAY! And I really like them a lot so this totally fits the Arcadian format :)

It's raining where I am but this remix makes it feel like sunshine anyway... I mean this is like total griding and Nikki Beach in Miami type shit... try it on for size...

Annie- "I Know Ur Girlfriend Hates Me (Get Shakes Remix)” YSI

Annie- "I Know Ur Girlfriend Hates Me (Get Shakes Remix)” zShare

“I Know Ur Girlfriend Hates Me” comes out July 7th 2008 and features other remixes on the package by Feadz and Section"

Yeah, you should probably take a closer look if this gets you riled up over at Annie's Website.

I got to see Annie a couple years back at Pitchfork and Annie was awesome... I really enjoyed it except the part where my ex-girlfriend was busy hating you and Annie and everything else that was going on. Catch Annie at Glastonbury and rest assured you can probably escape my ex-girlfriend hating you unless of course somehow she's dating someone in the line up and then I pray for your sake you... well no you'll be fine because you're not me!

Check back soon for more awesomeness... I know there is someone I'm supposed to be interviewing... maybe I'll get the chance to write the interview tomorrow lol... til then.................

Download 25 FREE songs at!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Fabriclive.40 preview: Noisia

So as you can see by the Fabric Podcast banner to your right that I love Fabric. Go back and read the Fabric=Perfection post if you forgot why lol...

The new Fabriclive? Fucking bonkers awesome. I had this moment where I was in a portable toilet once in a Detroit warehouse and, totally sober mind you, I remember this drum and bass coming SO full force that I felt like the toilet was a space ship that was going to take off... like the power of these beats was so strong, so earth shaking, that this chemical toilet was just going to blow up to the moon from the bass...

...the first half of Noisia's Fabriclive is just that type of drum and bass. It is so powerful it will make your car/shower/closet/swingset explode and suddenly you'll be sitting on the moon remembering how awesome drum and bass is (and obviously can be again). Then all of a sudden come the Noisia original instrumental "Split The Atom" shit goes all blog/fidget and sounds more like an old Switch record with a new twist than anything having to do with drum and bass! And suddenly by "Stigma" you're right back to that 'going 120 in the fast lane' drum and bass that makes this cd so awesome. It's just a brief detour but that house-y bit shows what DJing should be about today... if it fits play it... fuck what you're genre is, if it fits play it... if you're gonna rock shit by switching it up then do it. People like my boy Curt from Flosstradmus making their living switching it up NON-STOP but everyone else could would be making shit awesome by making moves like Noisia here!

Here's a little more background...

"While the renaissance of jungle is filling the dancefloors and stereos of drum’n’bass lovers the globe over, there is still a more scientific or sinister element burning bright alongside the rewinds of the masses. More jump-up than jungle, and perhaps originally suggested in the early work of deep science pioneers like Krust, Matrix, TeeBee and Ed Rush & Optical, this deeply shadowy future tek drum’n’bass uses a relentless and complex collection of upfront dark beats and moody soundscapes to encase the ears and get the dancefloor ready to strike, but also carries an intricate subtlety of skill in production, perhaps witnessed more in the glitch genre, than those hailing a constant repetition of Amens."

Damn right...

I'm going to be blasting the hell out of this come DEMF/Movement whatever they are calling it this year... Moby is on the track listing so I guess that would be appropriate as he is going to be there! I don't care if people slam him I grew up on shit like "Next Is The E" and I've seen him like 3 times... and I really liked "Animal Rights"... so there...

Here's the rest of the press... the release doesn't come out til 16/06/08 in the UK and the rest of the world, and 07/08/08 in the good old U.S of A... but I just had to post now. I know you're interested in more background! (Remember you can get the jump on everyone else by joining FabricFirst where you can hear releases before everyone else!

"Having all gone to the same elementary school, it took other interests to bring these three music fans together: “We all went to elementary school
together but we didn’t really hang out.” – Nik, Noisia; “We met through graffiti; I knew Martijn through skateboarding and graffiti and Nik
through graffiti.” - Thijs, Noisia. But a mutual passion for producing forced their hand to become a collective and they started to create sounds
that were somewhat alien to their peers: “I’ve probably been producing for ten years or so. Nik and I both got a CD from this art school guy
through Nik’s dad and there were some really basic music making programs on there. We just started fucking around, and I started out
basically doing hip hop and house and trance, and Nik and Thijs started doing more like breaks and big beat. At some point they found
drum’n’bass and they played me a couple tunes that they’d made, and I was just really into it. Drum’n’bass wasn’t largely represented in
this neck of the woods. I remember the point in time where we were in the school cafeteria and I asked Nik and Thijs, ‘Would it be possible
for me to join Noisia?’ I didn’t want to just do what all the other kids were doing.” – Martijn, Noisia; “All the other kids were either studying
or doing some kind of extra-curricular high-society type shit. There were a lot of posh people in our school. But when Martijn came up to
us and asked if he could join, I said “we’ll talk about that” – I was already being diplomatic. (laughs) And pretty soon afterwards, it just
kind of happened.” – Nik, Noisia
Their acceptance into the drum’n’bass world seemed to come at breakneck speed, having now released on seminal imprints such as Subtitles,
Moving Shadow, Ram Records, Virus Recordings and Renegade Hardware, as well as collaborating with Cause 4 Concern, Teebee, Phace and
Bad Company UK, and remixing Konflict, Pendulum and Matrix, without even releasing their first artist album. “When we first released with Ram
and Virus, those two were like – whoa! Subtitles was our first big label, after that was Moving Shadow. I think we actually drank
champagne when we signed to Moving Shadow, that was really, really big for us.” – Thijs, Noisia. Others on the periphery of this scene like
The Freestylers and Amon Tobin have asked for the Dutch trio to collaborate, and Robbie Williams requested a Noisia remix of his cover of Manu
Chao's Bongo Bong and Je Ne T'Aime Plus (for EMI). Their remix for Moby, ‘Alice,’ left the illustrious producer so impressed, he said he wanted to
be a DnB DJ. Big things. But more so prolifically, the trio have a constant DJ schedule playing 3 to 5 shows every weekend, and constantly travelling
without reprieve. Although this is more the fuel of Noisia, then the makings and mechanics, “I don’t really see us as mainly DJs, I see us as
professional musicians, producers. We have to DJ for the money but if we can DJ less and still pay the bills, we would be in the studio
more.” – Thijs, Noisia
But conjuring these much in demand DJ skills, NOISIA take no prisoners with FABRICLIVE 40, and create a mix that forces the ear and the feet to
high alert from the word go. Moving through all manner of shadowy darkness with an almost light filled segue way touching on future breaks,
FABRICLIVE 40 is not for the faint hearted, but will open up the ears of every listener who falls into its path.
“We wanted to make a mix that represents what we do in the studio as well as what we play when we play a show. So we've put in a lot of
fresh drum and bass but also some breaks tunes from our label division and some weird downtempo. We use every show and every mix
as a medium to showcase what we make, and as a medium to show people what kind of stuff we really like. Sometimes aggy, sometimes
deep, sometimes just down right weird, but always dirty. A load of filth in a cage that's sometimes opened. I hope people are going to like
it, especially techno people, because so many aspects of techno are related to drum n bass but they may never hear this kind of drum n
bass. Maybe it will open some ears, I hope so.” - Thijs, Noisia"

Here's the tracklisting...

01 Noisia & Phace – Cannonball – Vision Recordings 16 Noisia – Split The Atom [Instrmtl] – Division Recordings
02 The Qemists – Stompbox [Spor Remix] – Ninja Tune 17 Spor – Mordez Moi – Division Recordings
03 Phace – Alive [Dub] – Phace 18 Noisia – Seven Stitches – Division Recordings
04 The Upbeats – Anti Social – Cyanide Recordings 19 Noisia – Brown Time – Division Recordings
05 Break – Splash Step – Quarantine 20 Noisia – Stigma [Dub] - Noisia
06 Noisia – Diplodocus [Dub] – Noisia 21 Moby – Alice [Noisia Remix] – EMI
07 Spor – Claret’s March – Lifted 22 Noisia – Concussion – Vision Recordings
08 Noisia – Head Knot [Dub] – Noisia 23 Noisia – Façade [VIP] – Ram Records
09 Noisia – The Tide – Vision Recordings 24 Ed Rush & Optical – Medicine [Matrix Remix] – Virus
10 Icicle – Nowhere – [Dub] – Icicle 25 Noisia & The Upbeats – Mudslide – Vision Recordings
11 Noisia & Phace – The Feed – Subtitles 26 Misanthrop – Viperfish [VIP] – Subtitles
12 Sabre – Global [Dub] – Subtitles 27 Noisia – Crank [Dub] - Noisia
13 Phace – Cold Champagne [Dub] – Phace 28 Noisia & The Upbeats – Creep Out – Non Vogue
14 The Upbeats – Panic – Subtitles 29 Noisia – Square Feet – Division Recordings
15 Noisia & Black Sun Empire – Infusion – Vision Recordings

Remember to check back, peep the Fabric podcast, FabricFirst (which in my opinion is the coolest fucking service on earth next to eMusic), and this blog for more Fabric and more future music!