Parlophone was the first record company that started giving me promos back in the day... and at least a couple times they were nice enough to give me the "jump" on everyone else which helped establish this blog a little quicker. I didn't start posting their stuff to climb the ladder though... I posted it because a large portion of my favourite bands are on it! See for yourself below and remember some of the high points in Parlophone's esteemed career :) Check out more here.
Peter Doherty- "Broken Love Song"
The Verve- "Bittersweet Symphony"
Blur- "The Universal"
Radiohead- "No Surprises"
Pet Shop Boys- "West End Girls"
Hot Chip- "Ready For The Floor"
Late Of The Pier- "The Bears Are Coming"
Supergrass- "Alight"
Big thanks to David Lennon. Be back soon!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
INTERVIEW: Adam from Babyshambles about his Roses Kings & Castles project!

While you wouldn't know it, as he tends to behind the scenes (as opposed to on the front of the tabloid), without Adam Ficek Babyshambles probably wouldn't exist today. After replacing Gemma Clarke on drums (after a shambolic but destructive Babyshambles Christmas tour) Adam Ficek took his place behind the drum kit... but also helped keep the band from falling apart.
Were it not for him stepping in, along with Drew McConnell, there are many times that shows would not have happened, tensions would not have been soothed, and over all the band may not have made it. If you want to get a better feel for just how important Adam (and Drew) has been pick up Beg, Steal, or Borrow: The Official Babyshambles Story... After reading it I personally went from thinking "he seems like a cool guy" to "thank the Lord for Adam Ficek because otherwise my favourite band would be long gone"...
As I recently mentioned in a post, Babyshambles, The Libertines, and all their side projects are the reasons I started this blog. So, to get to interview Adam Ficek about his Roses Kings & Castles album is a serious delight.
Not only is the Roses Kings & Castles album a refreshing slice of fried gold but it's also an honest and personal journey through melody; it's not pretentious in the slightest, it's never over produced or trying too hard, it's an album that's so well crafted you feel like you know the songwriter on an almost personal level (something Adam's bandmate Mr. Doherty is also well known for). After trying to go through the normal media channels, and waiting 6 months, I was just about ready to give up on this interview when Adam actually contacted me about something unrelated?!?! Thanks to random chatter about "Gang Of Gin", Twitter, and Mr. Ficek's gentlemanly demeanor I now have this interview for you guys... enjoy! Please check out the info below for a couple free downloads and info about how to get RKC's debut album!
INTERVIEW WITH ADAM FICEK OF Roses Kings & Castles and Babyshambles
ISoA: How's it feel to perform/record material that's all yours? I imagine it's a different feeling than a group project as your wrote it all yourself...
it's quite an honest and sincere performance, there's nowhere to hide. It's all laid very bare, no one to look at if it's all going wrong..
ISoA: You have to have creativity pouring out of your ears to do the output you've been doing! Obviously Babyshambles had some downtime, was Roses Kings Castles something that came from that, or had you been writing songs for quite some time before?
Yeah, we have lots of time in babyshambles, and more so recently as peter has been doing his solo thing. I really enjoy writing so it's a pleasure to be able to have the chance to release my musical ideas. I've always written so releasing music was just an extension of that, I have co written with Babyshambles but people forget that.
ISoA: No doubt with your range of musical capabilities this album could have been a million different things. Was there anything that lead you in this direction for Roses Kings Castles (i.e. influences, albums, artists, life experience)?
Adam Ficek: I'm a hug fan of melody so I wanted to make an album with unashamed melodic content, it's odd how once I recorded and released I quickly moved on stylistically, it's as if that's one thing acomplished now I want this! the new stuff is darker and heavier. Althought the ep (released today) is a bridge between the two. The new album out in Oct has progressed even more. I'm no in the head space of RKCIII and it's getting more heavy still. The influences are drawn form people I know and meet and personal views. Musically I suppose like every starting artisst I initially looked to try and remake my favourite albums, but I'm not giving the game away.
ISoA: Unlike Babyshambles (with the exception of the Mains Ignition "Blinding" remix) your projects have been subject to remixing and electronics we wouldn't expect in your other band. What was the initial spark that made your love for electronic sounds blossom?
Adam Ficek: I enjoy music of every genre and ilk. There was actually a synth on the blinding but it got lost somewhere between the studio and the mixing desk! I used to do lots of djing of dance music and still listen to the more electronic side of things. I see music as being good or bad nothing else.
ISoA: Your DJing career has flourished... For those of us who are an ocean away what does a DJ set from you sound like? Any particular releases you've been into recently?
Adam Ficek: It depends entirely on the crowd, I'm paid to entertain the majority so it depends on the majority. I do occasionally do special sets of my personal loves, so loads of 60's soul and other obscurities.
ISoA: You've probably been asked a variation of this question a million times but... do you feel that people will be able one day to judge Babyshambles based on the music and not Pete's actions? Because as a member of a band I'd think that would be something that would be hard to come to terms with...
Adam Ficek: Probably not, most people are not able to see through the media haze.
The media needs to create and invent that's why it's there, it's not bad or good
ISoA: This is a pretty standard question but what bands are you listening to/keeping your eye on?
Adam Ficek: fake blood. Deadmaus. Golden Silvers perhaps. to be honest there's not that many bands who are exciting me at the moment. please send me some, I really want to know some exciting bands.
ISoA: Lastly... the music industry has changed a lot in the last two years. Both you and Babyshambles have kept access to your music very close to the fans (SASE for singles, free downloads, announcing shows via forums and Myspace) as opposed to the typical monolithic industry disconnect that's standard for most big bands... do you think music will become more DIY with the recording industry tanking?
Adam Ficek: I think the majors will always have a grasp on the industry as they are very powerful, it would be very naive to think the whole DIY thing will change that but now we can create our own niches for the right reasons.
the majors have already taped into the DIY thing by swallowing small 'Indie' labels and essentially using them as extended A & R depts. I don't blame the small indies as it's hard making money from a small niche market but it gets me when they pretend to be indie. At least have the balls to say your floated by a major. Why not stand up and be counted.
Here are some remixes that from when the album first came out. They are both so good I frankly would like to hear the whole album remixed! But that's just the DJ geek in me... the first remix would fit in along with that IMISSMYJUNO remix of Franz I like so much, while the second remix is more in the vein of Hot Chip.
Roses Kings and Castles- "Entroubled (Boy+Girl Troubling Remix)"
Roses Kings and Castles- "Entroubled (Boy+Girl Troubling Remix)" Rapidshare
Roses Kings and Castles- "Entroubled (Geek Chics Spot of Bother Remix)" YSI
Roses Kings and Castles- "Entroubled (Geek Chics Spot of Bother Remix)" Rapidshare
And here's an approved Babyshambles track for ya... oldie but a goodie!
Babyshambles- "The Lost Art Of Murder" Rapidshare
Babyshambles- "The Lost Art Of Murder" YSI
You can buy RKC songs and merch right here. And you can keep tabs on what is happening here!
Check out the man in action...
Here's a little press from Adam's website about his most recent release...
"As you're all aware the ep 'Apples and Engines' is finished and ready to go. I'll be releasing it on August 10th on 7" vinyl and CD, initially to my mailing list so get signed up to the monthly RKC newsletter.
The past few months have been manic as usual, loads of gigs, loads of writing free songs for you lot, and my second album is underway.
The follow up to 'Roses Kings Castles' is going to be slightly bigger sounding and a little less twee in places, I've also persuaded a few of my mates to come and have a tinkle so watch this space.
As always a big thanks to all you followers and supporters. "
Here's some upcoming dates:
Wed 16th Sep 2009 - Portsmouth - UK @ The Cellers - Portsmouth
Thu 17th Sep 2009 - Brighton - UK @ Prince Albert.
Sun 20th Sep 2009 - Birmingham - UK @ The Victoria
Thu 8th Oct 2009 - Dublin @ Whelans
Well that's that for now. I again would like to thank Adam for being such a great musician... sharing such a great album with us... helping steer the good ship Albion... and for doing this interview. Check this space for future info about Adam and Roses Kings & Castles, because, as of today I'm going to add him to Arcadian Family. I'm down for life! Be back soon, hope you enjoyed this as much as I did!
P.s. You gotta get one of these! That is when they're in stock again here lol...

Adam Ficek,
Roses Kings and Castles
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
FREE Deastro "Orange Swimmer Red Summer" EP!

Well, as you know, this is a pretty strictly British only blog... but I am a sucker for Ghostly International. In fact I've been carefully putting together an article for Cream Team for a couple months now on their 10 year anniversary... that's how much of a fan I am.
Now, despite having never actually spoken to Deastro, I'm a big fan on his music and want to help spread the word as if he were a friend of mine. Especially Keeper's which is fucking brilliant. He reminds me of a more experimental, American, version of Frankmusik... if that makes any sense.
Here's the first two songs from the free EP BUT FOLLOW THE EP LINK TO DOWNLOAD, only use the other links to have a quick listen (they're basically just there so this will show up on the Hype Machine lol)...
Deastro- "Orange Swimmer Red Summer EP"
Deastro- "Asteroid Goo"
Deastro- "Sheild Whip"
Here's a little bit of press...
Taking the US press by storm, Randolph Chabot aka Deastro is a brand new epic space-shoegaze sensation. Causing a stir on Pitchfork (Paste, Spin), the stunning debut album was released back in July via Ghostly International (School of Seven Bells). Check out the brand new ‘Orange Swimmer Red Summer’ EP exclusively here via Deastro’s blog. It features 9 brand new, unreleased tracks.
Well I'm glad he's taking the press by storm... perhaps that's why I couldn't get an interview with him? *cough*hit me up*cough* :)
Anyway Deastro writes dreamy electronic pop music that makes you feel things the way that very few artists can, especially on a first listen! So check it out, go to a show, and make sure you pick up his previous efforts!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Maps "I Dream Of Crystal" (Solo Mix)

Maps - ‘I Dream Of Crystal’ (Solo Mix) YSI
Maps - ‘I Dream Of Crystal’ (Solo Mix) zShare
Maps - ‘I Dream Of Crystal’ (Solo Mix) - Released: 14th September 2009 'This is the Solo remix of ‘I Dream of Crystal’, the first single proper from Maps’ second album ‘Turning The Mind’ Debut album ‘We Can Create’ was previous nominated for the prestigious Mercury Prize in the UK. This remix package also contains the Solo Dub mix as well as the Steve Lawler Vocal & Dub mixes Maps mastermind James Chapman says that “if [debut album] ‘We Can Create’ was the birth of Maps, ‘Turning The Mind’ is the fully formed manifesto” Maps will play Bestival on the Isle of Wight in September followed by album release on 28th September 2009 Check out for more! Be back asap!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
EXCLUSIVE! Chew Lips- Salt Air (Plastician Remix)
After hearing this I think Plastician should do a WHOLE album like this. It's one of the big things dubstep is missing: female vocals. I mean it doesn't need them ALL the time, because I like that hard shit too, but sometimes dubstep is TOO hard. This remix of Crew Lips new track comes off like this decades Breakbeat Era... that is soulful, dark, and compulsively listenable.
Here's some press:
"Their new track was out the other week on Kitsune but didn't have this Plastician remix available on it. They were on the recent Kitsune 7 with their track 'Solo'."
Chew Lips- "Salt Air (Plastician Remix)" YSI
Chew Lips- "Salt Air (Plastician Remix)"
Check out more at,, and
I may add more to this but I wanted to get it up ASAP!
Here's some press:
"Their new track was out the other week on Kitsune but didn't have this Plastician remix available on it. They were on the recent Kitsune 7 with their track 'Solo'."
Chew Lips- "Salt Air (Plastician Remix)" YSI
Chew Lips- "Salt Air (Plastician Remix)"
Check out more at,, and
I may add more to this but I wanted to get it up ASAP!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Chima Anya hits us with a new banger "New Day"
It's a good thing Chima Anya got this out before the end of Summer because this is a MUST have for sittin' out on the stoop, cruisin' in your car, or even in the club. I say it EVERY time but British hip-hop has taken a long time to come into it's own but it's people like Chima Anya that are pushing things forward... check it out...
"New Day" is the first single from the album of the same name... make sure you cop that! Be back soon!
"New Day" is the first single from the album of the same name... make sure you cop that! Be back soon!
Vision's Ralph Lawson does mix to prepare you for Fabric this weekend!

It is a damn shame that I hear these wicked mixes for Fabric but can't ever go to the damn events because of, well you know, that OCEAN that keeps me away from the club. This event is going to be a REAL good one... not just because of the Vision anniversary but also because Ghostly International's Seth Troxler will be playing (which is not something you want to miss, trust me)...
Here's a little press blurb...
"In celebration of 15 Years of 2020 Vision and their takeover of room three at fabric this Saturday the 8th of August, head honcho Ralph Lawson has put together this special mix to mark the occasion."
And here is the track list!
Blaze – Lovelee Dae (2020Vision Accapella) / Playhouse Ernesto Ferreya – Ground / lomidhigh Jacoozi Boys – Boccadillos (Ekkohaus RMX) / Suara Moritz Piske – Dirt Cabana / Salon Loko – Scarlet House / Soulman Bruno Gauthier – It’s Love (Simon Baker remix) / Classic Mark Broom – Life / 2020Vision Lil Louis – I Called You / FFRR Ekkohaus – Brian Said / 2020Vision Saro & Black – We Were There / Shadowprint Ricardo Villalobos – Easy Lee (Random Factor unreleased mix) / Playhouse Gruber & Nurnberg – Traffic / Bloop Salvatore Freda – Bombolone / Liebe Detail TBD – What Is This ? / TBD Basement Jaxx – Flylife (Atlantic Jaxx) Julien Chaptal – Collider (2020Vision)
You can tell by the track list alone that the mix is sick... so skipping the gig this weekend would be... well really stupid if you can get there! Because I know I'm pissed that I can't :(
Album Review: Frankmusik's "Complete Me"

Complete Me is a brilliant album.
I'm pretty confident when I say this because I wrote the original review for this in February lol... and I like the album even better now than when I first wrote the review! In the many months since I first got to hear it I've just become more and more sure of it's ability to stand up against other classic albums of this decade.
My opinions have changed some since the first "write up"... so you're going to be getting a very in depth review here as I feel this album deserves close examination to justify my designation of "brilliant". We're going to start at the beginning and go through every track until the end.
However, now I have to change the order this was written in due to changes in track listing... I might as well give you guys the goods at the front of the post. One of Arcadia's favourite blogs Discodust just posted this a couple of days ago so all the credit goes to Aleks and friends!
Frankmusik- "Confusion Girl (Russ Chimes Remix)"
FIRST OFF... I'm pleased, but surprised that "In Step" made it onto the album! This song has been around for eons so I don't really feel the need to review it at all. The Island/Universal made a smart move releasing this quite a while ago as the "warm up single" to introduce people to Frankmusik although I would NOT be surprised if they released it again...
"Better Off As Two" is another brilliant single. You'd assume at this point he's front-loading the album because the b-side (for those of us who prefer to listen to black spinning discs) is shit. But you'd be very wrong. I don't need to stress how good this song is... you've no doubt heard it and if you haven't I'll put the video (also brilliant) below. It's worth noting that this is a different version than the 3 Little Words EP in case you didn't know that.
"Boyfriend" is a rockier number than the one you've heard so far. It's as great as you remember but better. There had been two versions of this (that were obviously different mixes to be picked from for the album) that sounded pretty similar, and this final version sounds like both of those put together. It's kind of hard to review these songs because they were already on Frankisum... and you really need to hear that EP in order to understand the progression to the new version... otherwise I'm rehashing something a lot of people have heard.
"Confusion Girl" very different from what I had expected. The original Frankisum version is frenetic because of it's 4/4 beat. This version goes half time on the drums and substitutes the synths for more of a breakbeat vs acoustic guitar feel. Maybe that's a shit way to describe it but that's essentially what it is. There was a version that played both those elements up more but it makes more sense in the final where the layers don't draw too much attention away from Vince's vocals. I was wondering which version would make it to the album as a "new mix" with a 4/4 beat was lying around... once again, refer to Frankisum to get a better feel for this one. This is a hard one to weigh in on... the funny thing is that despite the half timed drums, it's actually faster than the other versions. On that note, it's probably worth noting that there are only 3 songs that go over the 3:00 mark, and only one of those is over 4 mins. This means the album clocks in at about 40 minutes.
"Your Boy" is the first ballad of the album and is nothing short of fucking amazing. Pianos, synths, soaring chrous. When he starts singing "I'm sorry, I'm trying to change my past/Can you give me just one more minute?" his pleading is so emphatic that you feel strongly this is a man writing about his own experiences. And it's these songs that, again, show his versatility and growth. He could go toe to toe with Coldplay with these songs... while the songs you heard on Frankisum all feel like potential singles, these new ballad songs could too. Which is sort of dizzying because... how many potential singles can you have on an album? So far every song on this album is single worthy. Even the original demo "To Delta" showed that this song was a powerhouse in waiting, and the final product doesn't disappoint. Probably my 2nd favourite song on the album...
"When You're Around" is, of course, an interpolation of The Stranglers "Golden Brown" (a song about heroin, which this song is most definitely NOT about). You've probably seen this on the various interwebs as the Boys Noize remix... well here's the deal with that (and correct me if I'm wrong)... at one point Alex (Boys Noize) was helping MIX the song, as opposed to remix, and somehow all the credit landed on his shoulders. In all actuality this song has been kicking around since Frankmusik's inital offering of demos... the album version gets a major overhaul because I think Frankmusik knew that releasing the same version that's been around forever wasn't going to work. Frankly? I got sick of this song... to the point where I couldn't listen to it at all... but this new version has really put wind the wind in the sails again. Check out the Frankmusik directed video for the previous version!
SPEAKING OF DIFFERENT VERSIONS... "3 Little Words" was an instant classic when it came out over a year ago. And while the the Atari-like speedy synths (I think that song has about a 174 bpm) of the original were awesome, the Stuart Price assisted (see Zoot Woman, Les Rhythmes Digitales, Thin White Duke, Jaques Lu Cont) version is a good example of how two bright minds can turn something perfect into something perfect that everyone will enjoy (the original may not have been able to gain a crossover audience, but the new one doesn't make any sacrifices in quality). It is strange to hear a song go through key changes, tempo changes, multiple versions and still sound as good as the first time you heard it. Think about it... most artists would muck up their own material if they messed around with it that much... Here's the old video version in case you hadn't heard it before...
"Wonder Woman", brings up an interesting topic on the album, women who never give themselves are break and can't let themselves get the relaxation/pleasure out of life they deserve! Too many of those these days :) It's a song for strong women but also a reminder even the most hardcore people need to take a break. It's a nice bouncy song that doesn't seem like a single, to me, but that's actually the nice part :) Not every song should be a single, or potentially a single, that takes the enjoyment out of the album because then it doesn't create fans... it creates people who but lots of ringtones. No doubt people will suggest this as a single but I think, instead, it's a welcome change of pace.
Finally we land on "Complete Me", the albums namesake. The first time I heard this song I lost track of everything I was doing. It starts out with gentle piano, that suddenly changes with him quietly singing "Is this really what we want?/Is this really what we need?/Six million staring at their feet..." and moments later suddenly it starts taking off with choir like synths. It's so fucking epic but so simple. Then it takes it down a notching with a bubbling scaling rhythmic synth under the piano, then getting into this very Vangelis like chorus with this major rush. Take it down a notch again, build more, get louder, and give another massive chorus. This song is not just proof for the haters that Vincent Frank is more than someone who "has potential" (random Vice writer I'm leering at you), it's shows he's maturing with his song writing. Not only can he write these killer singles, but he can write songs whose greatness is hard to deny if you have ears. This song could end up being very important to a generation of people who have grown up watching their ideal, of how the world worked, collapse right in front of them. Again, it seems the more ballad-ish songs are my favs on this album because this song, with it's Vangelis "Chariots Of Fire" drums, is probably my third favourite.
Now we arrive at "Vacant Heart", a total fan favourite. If you haven't heard it, it's a poppy but pained love song, highlighting more of his so-called 80's influence (which is lazy journalism me even TYPING that). I like this song? But my feelings about it change a lot. The lyrics on the chorus may be the weakest on the album, WHICH ISN'T TO SAY this song is bad... it's just... if you line up 13 diamonds and one has a slight smudge? Well you get the picture. Personally I would have put "That Much Is True" or something like that on instead but? This one made the cut, and I will say that the minor changes in lyrics and instrumentation relieve some of the repetitious qualities that were bogging this song down.
"Done Done" originally appeared on the Heaths Of Thornton website as part of a free EP (p.s. that site doesn't exist anymore). There isn't much difference? Other than maybe quality and mastering. One of the best lines here is "Did you get a new me? Or something not quite the same?"... and "The million times I told, that my story's getting old/Tell me are you better, now that your new life starts to unfold?"... these great lines are reflective of the rest of the album. There is a LOT of questioning going on. After a bad breakup isn't that always the case? You keep asking where things went wrong. Were you in the wrong? Were they in the wrong? Now that time has passed do things seem better than they did before? Are you hurt or hurting? A great deal of the album deals with this. This song is too much on the 'electronica' side to be a single (I mean the chorus is nothing but repetition), but it just radiates heartfelt emotion (a quality that sets Vincent Frank apart from his peers... I don't need to say who because you know who).
And then there's "Time Will Tell". I posted it a couple months because I was sure it wasn't going to make it to the album... ooops! I will admit I used to HATE this song (which is pretty strong but I mean, this guy has difficulty writing bad songs) but the original made me very very confused because there was something lacking. Frankmusik again has taken a close look at this songs and has recognized that something needed to change... in doing this he rescued a song that I easily wouldn't have given a second chance on a personal listening level (I mean I'd listen to it to review this album but not on my own time). It's the super singles, and the ballads, and the slightly tweaked "non-singles" that add up to a five star album.
Now we come to my favourite by far. "Run Away From Trouble" is lyrically the most sparse but perhaps the most emotionally moving song on the album. The first round version of this song had little hints of dubstep because of it's lurching tempo (so slow it's almost fast like dubstep) and a couple sounds he used that reminded me of Various Productions. If the version I'm listening to is the final (and come on people, you know these things go through like a million little revisions before making it onto a physical copy) it drops some of the original sounds and expands the ending with strings, and a new synth part at the end. The phasing on the drums and the whirling whirring noises makes me want to remix the fuck outta this lol...
It's important to mention to people who are freaking out about the tracklisting change that the nothing short of brilliant "Olivia" is a hidden track on the album. If the other songs were emotive, and a great deal of them will appeal to young people reflecting on their past/present relationships, this is a song for the completely broken hearted. It's a piano track, that's quite sparse... that's what makes this song. I'm gonna have someone kick me in the balls for this but... it's as good as Fiona Apple at her best. It's a song about familiarity and (seemingly) conflicting emotions. One of the highlights of the song is "I know I lost you in my head/There's no more waking next to you in my bed/As the pillow turns to stone instead". I mean, if this song doesn't make your eyes mist a little, then you've probably never been in love with anyone. And if it doesn't make your heart hurt a little, well, then you probably hated the whole album lol. Because in order to understand the album as a whole, you have to understand this song (IMHO).
EDIT: It was brought to my attention that "My Mind" made it onto the iTunes version of the album so it's worth reviewing that as well...
"My Mind" was one of the best previously unreleased songs that Frankmusik had done. This final version sounds like a "complete" version of the earlier rougher (SP Mix) which, in it's own right, was nearly perfect. The song details his possessive feelings but inability to bring them to fruition shown in lines like "Does it come to this/ You I'll never kiss/ Or romanticize it/ How I've missed/ All of these things/ We'll never do/ When I've gone and broken us all in two". Of course if you weren't paying attention to the lyrics, and just listening to the chorus, you'd think it was a nice peppy love song with some "Blue Monday" style drums hiding underneath the surface. "My Mind" hints at the HUGE cache of songs that Vincent Frank is still sitting on... if his record company would let him he could release another 5 star album before the end of the year.
My final review? Vincent Frank has crafted an album that in uncompromising, jubilant, heartbreaking, and almost peerless in it's electro-pop perfection... and the reason it will succeed in a major way is that this young man has literally put his heart and his fears on a platter, wrapped it up in danceable melodies that will never leave your head, and created one of the first true original pop records of a decade coming to a close... which leads me to believe the next decade may have us seeing a lot more
A lot of people have paved the way but there's his truly unique style will set him apart from any real dead on comparisons. When I interviewed him last March, after mentioning that Peter Robinson mentioned him in an NME column and I proposed he may be leading a new pop movement he said, "If I am starting a new movement or the media grasp onto something then great but I really could not give a dandelion due to the fact that it means that I am only going to have to change my style again to rebel against another journalistic label." His own description of his music, "Blade Runner pop", is probably the most accurate... expansive, futuristic, self aware, a sleek hodgepodge, and like the movie itself a definitive piece of work that doesn't fit into a genre. This innate inability to conform, and the drive to do only what his heart tells him to, will ensure that both Complete Me (and his future efforts) will make a significant impact on the world.
DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND ACTUALLY BUY THE ALBUM! The guy has put loads of free songs on the internet and if you appreciate what he's doing you've gotta help him keep going by purchasing this. I'm not gonna rant this time. Just do it. They have some cool bundle specials over at the official store at

If you are looking for unreleased Frankmusik here are some suggestions.
Here's some suggestions:
"Happy Endings"
"Pinch Myself"
"Shoot The Breeze"
"So Keep Telling Yo Self"
And here's my favourite unreleased ones:
"Touch Myself"
"My Mind"
"Waste Of Time"
"That Much Is True"
And then the free EP's Brushing Off and Chasing Shadows...
Brushing Off consists of:
"Just Fine"
"Missing You (Everything But The Girl Cover)"
"Your Face"
And Chasing Shadows is:
"Bad Ass Each Other"
"Ice Box (Omarion Cover)"
"Run Away From Trouble"
"Done Done"
Thanks for stopping by, I'll be back soon...
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