Sunday, October 29, 2006

What a fantastic day(s)! (Inbetween Days, and some stuff from YouTube )

Ah... the start of another week. Hopefully a fantastic and enjoyable one. It's already started out pretty well! I don't know how it is in your part of the world but where I'm at it's sunny and about 70 degrees out... which is awesome because it basically went from summer to winter here in Michigan. I'm supposed to make the call to get my car fixed today and hopefully register for the Winter Music Conference coming up in March (which is going to be fucking rad... I haven't been in three years... four years in March rather). I better buy my plane ticket soon... anyone else going?

Monday is always a good time to bring something new into view... I was sent some mp3's this morning of a band called Inbetween Days (presumably named after a song by The Cure? Am I right on this one?). Their new release 'Right Here Waiting' is on Remake/Remodel, which just scored a hit with ‘Heaven Hides Nothing’ by Monster Bobby (who refered to as 'Svengali/guitar player with The Pipettes'). Their music tapped into something that I was really obsessing about over the weekend which is the sort of innocent pop music in the 90's which we don't really hear anymore, and if we do, it often isn't any good or it's actually a band that made that music in the past (read=Lemonheads). The closest thing we have had to this naive idealistic pop music is (ironically) The Pipettes, so it's no big surprise that this new relase from Remake/Remodel is following one from Mr. Pipette himself.

Here's some info from the Inbetween Days press release:

"‘Right Here Waiting’ / ‘Single Thing’ was recorded at Fortress Studios, and mixed by Ian Gore (Babyshambles, Larrikin Love, Brakes etc.) at Metropolis Studios

Inbetween Days formed in October 2005, and in a very short space of time have established themselves as one of the “must see” bands on the London gig circuit. Recent support slots include gigs with Get Cape Wear Cape Fly, The Boxer Rebellion and The Roger Sisters.

Their sound combines elements of skewed 90’s Americana/ grunge (The Lemonheads and Dinosaur Jr.), and the exuberance of Britpop (Ash and The Longpigs) to create a modern fresh rock n’ roll sound, custom-made to be blasted out of FM radio stations across the globe."

Me thinks these guys are going to be huge. With this release I'm sure they are going to make heads turn quickly as you can't even get past talking about them without mentioning 'Arcadia' faves Larrikin Love, The Pipettes, and (cough) Babyshambles. A little more than ten years back their song 'Right Here Waiting' would have fit perfectly onto the soundtrack for uber-cool-cult-series 'My So Called Life' and undoubtedly would be perfect today for 'The O.C.' and it's indie-laden soundtrack. They are bound to introduce the younger kids to a kind of music they weren't really old enough to listen to, and bring listeners in their mid-to-late twenties back to a time when they were in school before the world fell apart. I give them a big thumbs up and urge you to check them out. Per request of the record company, mp3's will only be up for a week (until 11/06), and I figure the best way to make sure they are only up for that long is to put them on YouSendIt! So keep that in mind when you download!

Inbetween Days- "Right Here Waiting"

Inbetween Days- "Single Thing"

Also check out this live video for Right Here Waiting!

UPDATE: Or you can get it right here!

I also wanted to mention their single is coming out in late November, and signed copies of said single are available to pre-order from!

Since I was mentioning music from the 90's... I was watching that VH1 'Alternative' show that I love so damn much and I saw some amazing videos from my teen years that I haven't seen in a while... on top of I watched the 'Definitely Maybe' DVD that my girl got me I felt inspired so much by it that I HAD to put these up for you folks. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST I wanted to give you a link to Sam Flanagan who did the fantastic 'Water Lilly' mash-up I posted the other day! Leave a comment telling him that was some fire! And tell him who sent ya!

Check out music at eMusic and get a free 25 song trial!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Party like it's 2999!

So, I'm still on this sort of beat heavy tip right now. I just can't shake it! For a long time now being a radio dj has overshadowed my being a club dj. I just lost my interest in dance music for such a long time. I mean, Naked Music couldn't manage to take it to the 'next level' after 'Lost On Arrival' (and I was mostly buying their records for quite some time... although you notice everyone on that comp has since become Dj-household names), and I loved the stuff going on over at (Michigan favourites) Ersatz and Ghostly International but didn't have money or time to change my 'deep house' style... and I dunno... I really could have given a shit (for the most part) up until the recent (imaginary, because once again this didn't happen over night) new rave explosion and the resurfacing of good artists who I kind of forgot about or ignored since 2004! I mean I seriously forgot that Trentemoller existed! Had it not been for the fact that my girl started throwing 'Lost On Arrival' on the cd player once and a while I'm not sure 'new rave' would have caught my attention, but after I started dancing in her living room after work a couple weeks in a row I caught the fever again... and many months later that has lead us to this post!

First off (as a continuation of yesterdays post of the SMASH remix The Streets did for Ghostface Killa) is a song I didn't even know about for a long time.. it's The Streets soft, string filled meditation, on how Mike Skinner isn't what he sings about but is rather a mouthpiece for the streets themselves. I think that sentiment has since changed but it's a great song from the 'All Got Our Runnins" E.P.
The Streets- 'The Streets Score' (Zshare)

Second off is something that think isn't on any E.P. or anything... but this is The Streets live (I think) on Radio 1...
The Streets- 'Turn The Page (Live)'(YSI)

I don't think I've posted this before... this is the video Mike Skinner made for the Bloc Party 'remix' he did...

Here is the 'Tulips' remix off of the single of the same name by Bloc Party. I have seen this version referred to as the 'Club Version' as well. Pretty sweet remix... surely one of my fav Bloc Party remixes, of which there are TONS... so I will post more in the future in anticpation of their new album!
Bloc Party- Tulips (Minotaur Shock Remix)' (YSI)

Here is the video for the original version of 'Tulips':

I know BLK:MRKT posted this first to much acclaim and Pitchfork attention, but it's been a couple weeks so I think it's ok to repost it... I think it was first up on Diplo's Myspace so hopefully the record companys don't yell at me... why would they? this certainly isn't some super great quality file... it's merely a teaser... or a demo.. or something...
M.I.A.- 'XR2' (zShare)

Lastly, here's a Sov track that, as of right now, shows no signs of being put out here in the U.S. It was a remake of her song 'Nine 2 Five' that The Ordinary Boys decided they wanted to remake and she guested on the track. Pretty nifty... I have NO idea what this came out on NOR do I know what the original '9 to 5' came out no... notice that here in America artists never release non-album singles or e.p.'s... they just put there shit on soundtracks lol... anyway... the Lady Sov album comes out on Halloween so make sure you cop that! I know I'm going to!
Lady Sovereign vs The Ordinary Boys- 'Nine 2 Five' (zShare)

Here is the video Sov and the Boys:

So hopefully that will get your motors' running... you can check this out before you go to the club! Also, before you go out, check out my radioshow The Spirit Of Albion tonight on WIDR and stream it. It's going to (obviously) be beat heavy... be it hip-hop or rave music or post punky dance tracks.. it's going to be SWEET!

OH! As usual... can find Bloc Party, Lady Soverign, and others over @ eMusic! I didn't get around to scooping up anything new from there yet because the system was down the other day

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Turn The Bass Up Real Slow (Oi! Oi!)

Today I was thinking what groovy thing do I have to offer that no one else had posted? Well, I just figured that out a couple hours ago as I was looking over my 'carry-on' cd collection. There was a free cd that came with MUSIK magazine a few years ago that Cassius had mixed that had all sorts of cool shit. Some Black Strobe, Goldfrapp, Metro Area, Audio Bullys... but most importantly the track of the day. Cassius feat Ghostface Killa (The Streets Remix).

On top of posting something you don't see every day I'm posting the song because I really love The Streets (I realize I say 'I love...' in every post, but would you rather have me posting shit I don't like?). 'Original Pirate Material' was basically the album that soundtracked my moving away from my family and living on my own in Chicago. Hell, I remember when 'Has It Come To This?' came out I hurriedly went down to Gramaphone Records up on Clark to pick up the import single (I used to be a big 2step junkie). I still play that record sometimes when I'm out djing but mainly I just keep it for my own turntable.

Ghostface, on the otherhand, is an artist I like (saw him this summer at Intonation Festival, which is the same place I briefly met Mike Skinner of The Streets as he was running off to get food post performance) but have never really gotten into... maybe I should go buy Fishscale!

Cassius feat Ghostface Killa- 'Thrilla (The Streets Remix)' on zShare

Cassius feat Ghostface Killa- 'Thrilla (The Streets Remix)' on YouSendIt

I might post some more Streets tomorrow just to keep up with the trend... I've got some good b-sides on my comp at work... Or I might go pick some stuff up at eMusic and post some shit from there... they have scheduled downtime till 8am so I'm going to have to wait but it's worth it... they have EVERYTHING FROM GHOSTLY INTERNATIONAL... which just makes me the happiest person ever... speaking of, is anyone else going to see Christopher Willits?

Hope you guys enjoy the track.... you know how I would know if you did? If you left me comments!

P.s. I had to take down the ad at the top of the page for now. It just seemed too tacky... I know I've been hammering away at the eMusic thing, but it's kind of tongue and cheek because I know until I have something you guys really want (or one of the bigger bloggers gives me props), I know you aren't reading this shit anyway!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Water-Lily! (Stone Roses vs Lily Allen)

As you proceed to the download, take a minute to savor the fact that you are (as Mp3Hugger and Stereogum both already informed you last week) about to hear the best mash-up of the year! I really enjoy Lily Allen's music, and am a BIG Stone Roses fan, so this is just about the coolest thing ever. A fancy pants Dj by the name of Sam Flanagan produced this absolute gem of a track and hopefully he is getting the much deserved attention. There's not a whole lot to say about it other than that! I imagine you all know who the Stone Roses (whose track 'Waterfall provides the instrumental) are and I doubt anyone hopping around mp3 blogs doesn't know the name Lily Allen (whose 'LDN' provides the vocal) so let's leave it at that for now!

Lily Allen vs Stone Roses- 'WaterLily'

In other news... both Rbally and Clever Titles Are So Last Summer called it quits today. The blogging world is at a loss without these two. Please take a moment to see what you are missing. Maybe some day we can convince them to come back!

Finally, before I go off and go to sleep... I know that if you stop by here you are very familiar with Pete Doherty's band Babyshambles (speaking of there's ALLEGED talk of a wedding with he and Kate Moss, and supposedly he's back in Arizona at the Meadows Clinic for more rehab, and Courtney Love is saying she helped Pete get clean and... I better stop... I'll get back to this another time... I'm sure, probably minus the wedding, it's bullshit). But I haven't really mentioned a lot about the OTHER Libertine's singer, Carl Barat, and his band Dirty Pretty Things! Their album 'Waterloo To Anywhere' was EASILY one of the best albums of the year, and quite possibly one of the best debuts (especially from a band emerging from the ashes of another band) in years. I just thought it was about time to post some DPT!

Dirty Pretty Things-'Puffin On A Coffin Nail (Demo)'

Btw... speaking of free music... you can get 25 free mp3s from If you click on the lovely link below and sign up I get a nice kickback! But seriously, it's WAY cheaper than iTunes, I'm acutally a member myself, and they've got loads of music that you've already seen on this blog. I know some people take issue with this sort of promotion, but in order for me to keep taking the time to post, I gotta be making money somewhere lol! GO CHECK IT OUT!

Get 25 FREE MP3s!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Yowza Yowza Yowza (Field Music, Fields)

If only I could actually get paid for this. Cause this would be the best job ever. Blogging that is. (sigh) ANYWAY... It's about time that I posted about Field Music. I fucking love them (obviously or I wouldn't be posting about them). I make sure we play them NO LESS than once a month on the show, but it ends up being almost every week. It's hard to describe them but apparently UNCUT magazine said they sounded like "Wire produced by the Beach Boys". They site their influences (on myspace) as "The Left Banke, Serge Gainsbourg, My Bloody Valentine, Stravinsky, Stax & Motown, Thelonious Monk, Roxy Music, Talking Heads, The Neptunes and Peter Gabriel", which I would say is pretty accurate!

However, I don't think it's QUITE a good enough explanation so how about something from

"Hailing from Sunderland, England, indie/art rock trio Field Music consists of siblings Peter and David Brewis, as well as founder/director Andrew Moore. Their colorful blend of Beach Boys melodies filtered through a post-rock aesthetic has drawn comparisons to the New Pornographers and the Futureheads -- drummer Peter Brewis was a founding member. Their self-titled debut was released in 2005 on Memphis Industries Records, followed by Write Your Own History in 2006. ~ James Christopher Monger, All Music Guide"

That's a little better innit? From what I understand Field Music shares members (or former members) of both Futureheads (mentioned about) and Maximo Park. They did a STELLAR remix of 'I Want You To Stay' that completely changes moods from the dark tense angular original, and instead embraces the warmth and pomp of, lets say, 'The Masterplan' by Oasis... which of course means that it rivals the original as far as classic status.

Here's the video for Field Music- "In Context"

And then here is some live Field Music doing "Tell Me Keep Me"

Field Music- "You Can Decide"

Field Music- "You're So Pretty"

Maximo Park- "I Want You To Stay (Field Music Remix)"

I while we are posting about Britbands with 'field' in the name it wouldn't be quite right to finish the post without mentioning Fields. They are the folkier and more... well instead of trying to explain that way, lets say they are more Guillemots than Maximo... got me? Good stuff.

Here is the once-over:
"Prior to the release of their first album, Fields offered a special band-approved mixtape to fans through their website and MySpace page, including songs that give newcomers some idea of where the British five-piece is coming from: along with three of their own songs, old-school folk-rockers Pentangle and Linda Perhacs, synth pioneers Silver Apples and an eclectic batch of current indie rockers like Sufjan Stevens, Thurston Moore, Broadcast, Smog, and Jaga Jazzist all make appearances. This blend of eccentric acoustic folk, electronic washes of sound and shoegazer guitar drones is a fine starting point for Fields, who construct their own music out of all of these influences and more. Based in Birmingham, Fields consist of singer and guitarist Nick Peill, Icelandic born singer and keyboardist Thorunn Antonia, guitarist Jamie Putnam, bassist and keyboardist Matty Derham. and drummer Henry Spenner. Signed to the Black Lab label, a British indie with a distribution deal with Atlantic Records, Fields debuted with the teaser EP Seven from the Village in the summer of 2006. The band's full-length debut, produced by Michael Beinhorn (The Bronx, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pete Yorn), is set for release in early 2007."

It kind of has the sound of a much rockier Mama's and The Papa's or something like that. Lots of harmony and melody but it's still got the hard guitars. They have this totally crazy awesome video (with wicked claymation/computer animation) here @ You can pick up their recent EP over @ eMusic! Make sure to click on the link below to get there!

Lazy Sunday (Mobius Band, Larrikin Love)

So today Heather and I are going to see Mobius Band @ Macs Bar in Lansing... I'm like super stoked. They became one of my fav new bands after I heard their songs 'Electronic Piano' on the Ghostly International compilation 'Idol Tryouts 2' (which is the best comp I've heard in forever... I listen to it EVERY DAY and it's been out for a while now). NOW I KNOW they aren't British. But I'm going to post a song of theirs anyway because they deserve more exposure. I would like to post 'Electronic Piano' but I don't want Ghostly International to be mad at me. In fact I kind of want them to sign me, but I've got to get my record done first so we'll avoid talking about that again for a while!

NOW ON TO THE BRIT POST! I was very very very impressed by Larrikin Love and their album 'The Freedom Spark'. There is a song on the album called 'Meet Me By The Getaway Car' that sounds like the type of song I would hate... it kind of has a reggae vibe, it has a horn section, loads of dubby effects... but unlike some awful ska-tinged trainwreck, it mimmicks Babyshambles doing their best to reclaim this sound from the 'Less Than Jakes' of this world (I fucking hate that band and hope they fucking rot in hell btw). It is engaging, has interesting lyrics, has a nice pace, never really goes overboard, and is all around awesome. I played it on the show a couple weeks ago and Heather was like "Is this Babyshambles?" (and trust me, she knows about the Babyshambles... I have pictures of them all over my side of the room... I know... I'm a total 15 year old girl sometimes when it comes to music) and I told her no but this is the same sort of sound they've been going for as of late. I do not think Larrikin Love will be a one album wonder. I think they will be able to up the ante with more mature song writing and be awesome. Maybe LL and BS should tour together? In the U.S.? Yeah right!

Anyway... until my dreams come to life here's something to keep you tied over...

Larrikin Love- "Meet Me By The Getaway Car"

And here are some tracks from the stellar Mobius Band WHO, (btw), were nice enough to say they would play 'Electronic Piano' for me today even though it's not part of their set list. What a bucnh of cool guys. Seriously go get their EP 'City vs Country', their album 'The Loving Sounds Of Static', and their ubercool track off 'Idol Tryouts 2' @ eMusic!

Mobius Band- "A Hint Of Blood (demo)"

Mobius Band- "Starts With A Bang"

Mobius Band- "The Loving Sounds Of Static"

Check out Mobius Band @ eMusic!

UPDATE:When they played 'Electronic Piano' tonight I decided they are my favourite new band. Such nice guys. I made sure to buy all their merch they had lol!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Music Sounds Better With You

Mmmmm... yummy New Rave... I know, I know... I can't shut up about it... why you ask? Well it's not just that the structured infectious rhythms that are more exiting than they were in years past but it's... I dunno... fun to think about the kids being out there and doing the same thing that I did every weekend...

See (and I'm sure people will either a) dispute this or b) won't understand why I would do such a thing) but I didn't get down on the Ecstasy popping, amphetamine fueled, cocaine binge that most people get into when they go to raves back when I was into them. The principal reason for that is that I actually LIKED the music! By itself! Granted when Tyler and I were dancing to Thomas Bangalter DJing (from Daft Punk, who we had happened to meet on Michigan Ave in Chicago earlier that day) when we were 17, maybe we were a little drunk... BUT STILL the sweeping filters... the funk guitar lines... the dense Rhodes pianos? They were complete and utter magic. The night we saw him he started out with the opening notes of Stardust's "Music Sounds Better With You" (which he co-produced with Roule favourites Benjamin Diamond and Alan Braxe) and then went into another song, totally avoiding the former until the very end of the evening... where he then cut/pasted it into an extended mix where it took about 5 minutes for the beat to drop... and it finally did... I'd never been happier! And we grabbed hands and we jumped up and down and screamed and wondered why every other young person in the world wasn't there.

At the end of the evening we waltzed back into downtown Chicago... slightly hungover and very dehydrated from dancing... found a Duncan Donuts that opened at 5am... got some coffee and doughnuts... then walked down to Union Station and all five (I didn't mention the other three... Matthieu, Matt, and Nick were there as well) of us went and fell asleep ON THE FLOOR IN THE AMTRAK BOARDING LOUNGE! That would never happen in a million years now... (due to 'national security' a bunch of hungover teen agers would be thrown in a jail if they were lying on the floor in the station much less sleeping!) but anyway.. the whole thing was perfect.. and wild and spontanious.. and I got to meet one of my heroes... and those are some of my happiest memories....

Back then the kids didn't show up (well at least not for the music... they showed up for the drugs and that killed the scene), but now they are and they ARE there for the music! And hopefully they have great experiences like I did... Here is more new rave stuff piggy backing on the post from a couple days back... throw this on and get your motherfucking rave on...

The Futureheads- "Worry About It Later (Switch Remix)"

Franz Ferdinand- "The Fallen (Justice Remix)"

Hot Chip- "Boy From School (Errol Alkan Extended Mix)"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This One's Optimistic!

Ok... so if you read this blog with any sort of regularity you know that I LOVE Babyshambles. I don't think I'd be doing most of the shit I'm doing (blog/radioshow/getting back to writing songs/djing) if it weren't for the inspirtational music that Pete Doherty writes. I mean seriously there has not been a talent (and a personality) that has been so large since, well, Kurt Cobain. Of course, even suburban mom's who read 'People' Magazine know that Pete has had a serious problem with heroin not unlike Mr. Cobain but hopefully we are looking at that being a thing of the past. This associated press article basically said Pete has slipped up, but the NME one points out that the only dissatisfaction with Pete was about his not attending court ordered appointments as expected. Cross your fingers, hope he gets better, and then tours America... he can stay at my place if he does lol...

"Here is a repost from the NME:
Pete Doherty's rehab progress reviewed in court
Singer is moving house to help kick drugs

Pete Doherty appeared at the Thames Magistrates Court in London today (October 18) for a review of his drug treatment.

The Babyshambles frontman has to attend court periodically after pleading guilty to drugs charges in August.

Doherty's defence counsel Bruce Clark said he believed the singer was getting clean, saying that he had even moved house to help with his rehabilitation.

"On the whole, progress is being made," said Clark. "He's given up a lifestyle he's been living in the East End, which is not the best place for him to be. There are alternatives for him, though. He is now living at an address outside of London."

However the district judge, Jane McIvor, was not completly statisfied with Doherty's progress, explaining that: "Weekly appointments under the order had not been as successful as expected".

The singer however insisted he is taking his rehab seriously, telling the court, "I've been going to NA (Narcotic Anonymous) meetings and seeing a counsellor separate from The Priory."

Doherty will return to Thames Magistrates Court in January when his progress will be reviewed again, BBC NEWS reports."

So there you have it! Parlophone has an signed Babyshambles for their new E.P. which should be absolutely AWESOME. As a little teaser I thought I'd put up some newer stuff that may/may not be on the new E.P.! Hopefully you guys dig this stuff... make sure to leave comments so I know what you think!

Babyshambles- "Stone Me What A Life"

Babyshambles- "Fixing Up To Go"

BTW: Just in case you hadn't noticed... there had not been a counter on the site up until yesterday. In less than 24 hours I've gotten 186 hits... which I think is... awesome... so big thanks to everyone who's reading the blog. I couldn't be happier about it... that is unless y'all could POST SOME COMMENTS... that would be kind of cool lol...

What a surprise (Lady Sovereign)

Well fuck me... Lady Sovereign just went to number one on TRL. How fucking mental! It's fantastic! I am sooooooo fucking glad Heather and I got tix to see her @ the Metro (Nov 3) when we did. I knew that shit was gonna sell out! If you remember correctly here at 'Arcadia' we've been going ape shit over Sov for some time. So much so that the girlfriend and I went to see her at Intonation Festival this summer (with Bloc Party & The Streets)... I know I said I was going to post the pictures AGES ago so I though this was a good chance to finally get the Sov one up...

The thing I really love about Sov her distinct British-ness, which surprisingly translates well here in America since her smart-ass lyrics are universally funny. Her video that reached number one (fro 'Love Me Or Hate Me') is down right piss your pants funny. The part where she turns into a large unshaven ball of armpit hair? Genius... I could maybe do with a little less product placement (Verizon phone) but that has also probably helped get tune into peoples heads so that that they WOULD vote for her on TRL! (Check out the article Pitchfork posted earlier about this monumental achievement.)

I figure we can go ahead a post a Sov track in honour of her making the 'big time' her in a America. I'm going to post the track that Chocolate Industires and Adult Swim had on their 'Chocolate Swim' EP which is Spank Rock's 'Hoodie' remix. The radiostation I work at threw a festival/fundraiser for the station a couple weeks ago and we had Spank Rock play the supporting slot of RJD2. They were the MOST phenominal show I've seen since... well... Lady Sov this summer lol... seriously though... go out and cop 'YoYoYoYoYo' right now. Although I can't help but assume if you are reading mp3 blogs you already own it lol.

Lady Sovereign- "Hoodie (Spank Rock Remix)"


Pitchfork posted this track today courtesy of Def Jam so I thought I'd throw it up. Same as always recently I'm going to throw it up as a YouSendIt file so it's not going to be up for very long! Get it while you can! (Speaking of... what does everyone think of ZShare? I saw BLK:MRKT is using it so perhaps I'll start up with that.)

Lady Sovereign feat Missy Elliot- "Love Me Or Hate Me (Remix)"

I was going to post another song from a band that I got an electronic press kit for.. but then I realized they were American. So, having said that:

HEY MUSIC LABELS THAT ARE TRYING TO CONTACT ME! I love your stuff and I appreciate the interest in the blog! It is a British music ONLY blog however! So when you send stuff please keep that in mind... it can be techno, hip-hop, rock whatever... as long as it is British... or has British people in the band at LEAST lol...

Buy music from Lady Sovereign! You can 'pre-order' her new album (which comes out on Halloween) from that link!

Or, you can check out her epic E.P. 'Vertically Challenged' here on eMusic! And while you're at if you can get 25 free MP3's in their two week trail that costs you nothing and that you can cancel at any time. I went ahead and did it the other day and that is why I've got them linked up now. Because getting free music is sick... and even when it's not free it's cheaper than iTunes!

Buy music from Spank Rock at eMusic as well! They have like three different versions of their album, plus a single, and some songs off a comp! AND YOU COULD BE GETTING THEM FOR FREE (just in case you didn't read what I just wrote lol!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm back (for the 2nd time) and I've got the FEVER!

How awful of me... I haven't posted anything in AGES... I know this has happened before but there are actually decent reasons this time... life has been crazy though recently. My grandfather who raised me died, I started school again, my closest friends completely stopped talking to me for no known reason, I've taken on the responsibility of being assistant musical director at the radio station I work at, and loads of other things... shit has just been very busy, depressing, and irritating. I also had my '.Mac' account shut off because I didn't pay for it (oops!) and now I have to find a new way to get my pictures and music up! I've just been about ready to top myself from the stress... so of course you know that means... DANCE PARTY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!

I've been spending a lot of time getting back into dance music BECAUSE of the lovely dance-rock-hybrid-monster that is New Rave. Now, I mean, come on... it's not like I forgot about dance music BUT it's just so fucking tempermental that it's hard to follow. The tide changes CONSTANTLY inter-genre and what is interesting or even enjoyable changes from one release to the next. Today's totally awesome new record/new band can easily be a total laughing stock if it gets into the wrong people's hands (read= electroclash) or frankly stuff moves so quickly an artist can make their whole catalogue sound crappy after one mind-altering (or worthless) record! So having said that, somehow 'New Rave' (as it has been dubbed by NME) had not yet grown stale, become uninteresting, or anything of the sort... in fact at this point the genre seems to be learning from it's own (or their predecessors) mistakes. More and more bands are showing up and one can't help but get the feeling most of them aren't brand new band wagon hoppers but rather groups who never got off the ground because of the death-knell of whatever former genre they belonged to.

One band that has really grabbed me in particular has (obviously) been the Klaxons. Obviously if you have been paying any attention AT ALL it's obvious that they are this genre's Nirvana (i.e. they didn't come first, and they may not be the absolute best but they are first on the scene) and their unbridled enthusiasm is extremely refreshing. In a musical landscape where most music is about a) guns & cocaine, b) cutting yourself and how you parents suck, and c) stupid rehashed love songs it refreshing as FUCK to hear songs with names like "Atlantis To Interzone". They make me want to fucking go mental when I hear their songs and even though I am a whole ocean away from the action it brings back the feelings I had when I was a 16 year old kid listening to Jeff Mills play in a field somewhere.

Another band that has totally gotten me way psyched (and this is a total cheat) is Van She (and Van She Technologic)... the reason it's a cheat is this is a Brit-Music blog and, well, they are Austrailian. I guess you could say 'Well Austrailia is England's prison island!" and then we can try to get away with it lol! The Van She single 'Kelly' is awesome, but sticking with the New Rave fever it's Van She Technologic's remixes of The Presets, Daft Punk, New Young Pony Club, and the Klaxons that are making me excited.

For the sake of trying to stay consistant with the blogs central theme I will post BOTH The Presets (Aussie) and Klaxons (Brit) and their respective Van She Remixes. I know I already posted that Van She/Klaxons remix a few months back but this is totally worth mentioning again because they are that fucking rad!

Klaxons- 'Gravity's Rainbow (Demo)'

Klaxons- 'Gravity's Rainbow (Van She Remix)'

The Presets- 'Are You The One?'

The Presets- 'Are You The One? (Van She Remix)

You can hear more Klaxon Demos Here on their Myspace but they are no longer up for download (thank god I already saved em)... also here is the Pitchfork Review of the Klaxons EP. Then after you do that check out Van She Tech and the The Presets... and then once you've done that...

Buy stuff by Klaxons!

Buy stuff by The Presets!

Buy Stuff by Van She!

ALSO... did anyone else pick up that NME a couple weeks ago? The one with the Klaxons on the front? That fucking thing was DOPE AS SHIT.. at least the cd that came with it that Simian Mobile Disco mixed. I might put some of that shit up here if you guys demand it!
