Well what do you know. I am totally astounded. Like blown out of the water confused. When I started doing this blog it was because... well because, I didn't really have anything else to do with my free time other than the 'Albion' show! It was just an off the cuff "why not" sort of thing... it just seemed to make sense to share music with folks!
Recently, however, this blog thing has started to seem a lot bigger than I had ever expected. I'm not saying that Noel Gallagher is calling me up and saying "I really don't like the nice things you have to say about Damon Albarn" but... I mean there are more people reading this blog than just me...
For example... I get emails here and there saying "hey, I like your blog... can you check out my music?" and sometimes I do (obviously) check it out and then put it on the site. Other times I have larger entities (I realize I'm covering ground that has been touched on recently but not EVERYONE reads this blog like you do dear reader) like labels or magazines or stuff like that ask me to post things and sometimes I do that as well. Other times new companies or websites approach me saying "hey, can you help expose us to your readers"...
That stuff is all just way weird to me, but I gotta say I think it's wayyyyy awesome... However, I also wanted to let y'all know that the most awesome thing since I started doing this, the moment that really mattered to me most (the first thing that made me really proud of doing this)... was when Palms Out Sounds said they would put me on their blogroll. I read Palms Out Sounds religiously, like every day, and for them to say "yeah, we like your blog" made my year. Those guys have an amazing thing going there and I see nowhere to go but up for them. Someday I hope to be half was awesome as they are! (P.s. They have a store in NY *and online*... you need to go check that out). So please go take the time to check out their blog and make a point to keep going back...
Also, in the process of looking back over the last year and taking in all of these awesome experiences, I wanted to take a second here to say THANK YOU to you the reader!
THANK YOU TO YOU DEAR READER FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO READ MY RAMBLEY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ABOUT MUSIC! I mean, this blog ain't Rolling Stone... I don't even try to write with any objective or intelligent stance (most of my posts are like "FUCK YEAH THIS IS AWESOME! WAY FUCKING AWESOME!" or "Pete Doherty is like Jesus! Like Jesus I tell you!") so I appreciate you taking the time to come here even though it's not exactly the most professional joint out there... I'm just some dude who loves music... a lot...
Because I've realized how much some of you appreciate this blog I am going to come at the blog with renewed interest here in 2007 and really try to take things up a notch. I know that Charles (from "The Spirit Of Albion" Radioshow that I do) and I have talked about doing a bunch of stuff for the Albion show and the Albion site so I'm going to try to do loads of crossover stuff and make sure that no matter whether you are just a blog reader, or just a radio listener, I've got you covered! I know change has been slow to come but you gotta bare with me...
So, to thank you guys for being so rad I'm going to do an intense Dance/Rock post over the course of this week just for you!
I thought I'd start out with this awesome Charlatans vs Chemical Brothers E.P. I found on eMusic... Hopefully I'm not the only one old enough to remember how awesome it was to listen to Chemical Brothers remixes on the way to a rave thinking "What ever would have made them think to do that to this song? It's so awesome"... Shit, I still think the same thing now! I just got so nostalgic listening to this old bigbeat stuff I had to post it... so hopefully you enjoy this...
The Charlatans UK vs The Chemical Brothers- "Nine Acre Dust (Chemical Brothers Remix)"
This one isn't SO dancey but it's a product of the same era... I thought I remembered this song having words... are my headphones fucked up?
Ian Brown- "Dolphins Were Monkeys (UNKLE Vs South)"
While on the subject of Dance/Rock I wanted to point out that, thank god, for the first time in a long while we are back to the point where we are getting consistent dance remixes for most rock bands with a pulse... of course this isn't ALWAYS a good thing but usually it is... the best example of the merging of both worlds (of course) is my dear Klaxons who I've been championing since I started this blog...
Sorry folks... had to take that one down... wasn't looking forward to talking to the Klaxons legal team.. seems to be that every one who has posted Klaxons stuff doesn't have a working blog right now!
And I'm sure by now you've been over to I Was There for the most anticipated cover of the year... (which is pretty good but also kind of sounds like a high school talent show, not the greatest dance band in the world; but then again I doubt they were being very serious)... but IF you somehow haven't made it over there here's a link to the song...
Klaxons- "My Love (Justin Timberlake Cover)" zShare
Then, I can't remember if I posted this one when I first came out... but either way I want to post it again... just because "Golden Skans" is on my iPod nonstop...
So, once again thank you, and please check back soon because I'm going to keep running with this vibe and should have a bunch more awesome stuff... feel free to leave comments as it helps me get a feel for what you all want... I'd write more but I gotta go to class... peace...
P.S. Do you guys think that I should start trying to maintain some sort of real "journalistic" standards? Or should I just keep rattling on as I always have? I'm just wondering...