Wednesday, December 30, 2009

NEW: South Central's Nirvana bootleg!

Most people who know me know my two favourite bands are The Libertines and Joy Division...

You probably also are aware that I have been a long time supporter of electro-rock firestarters South Central. They've gone from making bootlegs of Late Of The Pier, to touring with The Prodigy, all the while making headlines in magazines like NME and Remix Magazine... They've really come a long way since I first started talking to them and I still think the sky is the limit with these guys!

UPDATE: The recently sent me a track... and it was not supposed to be released! If you did happen to get this rough draft of a certain song PLEASE keep it to yourself. If you were a musician working on something you would at LEAST want to have the public hear the final version before any "demos" made their way to the surface.

In place of that track we have this Nirvana bootleg that I expect will be a staple in many DJ sets! I hope you enjoy this (I know I have) and I'm interested in what you think... please leave your thoughts in the comment section!

South Central - Smells Like a South Central (Nirvana Bootleg )" WAV file from DropSend

South Central - Smells Like a South Central (Nirvana Bootleg )"

We're almost at the end of the year, so I want to thank everyone, and if I can get some more stuff before tomorrow evening I will. Have fun, you all rock! Thank you for everything...

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Britastic Best of 2009

Every year this is a very difficult list to make... this year it's even harder. NOT because there weren't a bunch of brilliant releases... but because I had a lot going on personally this year that kept me out of the music world.

As usual I'll be updating this all the way up until New Years Eve (most likely)... so, enjoy, and I can't wait until next year because I promise it will be the BEST on this blog has ever had :)

Best Albums of 2009
Pete Doherty - "Grace/Wastelands"
Morrissey - "Years Of Refusal"
Little Boots - "Hands"
Frankmusik - "Complete Me" (plus "Recomplete Me" & "Completely Me")
Arctic Monkeys - "Humbug"
Editors - "In This Light And On This Evening"
Dot Allison - "Room 7 1/2"
Heads We Dance - "Love Technology" (plus "Dance Technology")
The Whip - "X Marks Destination" (released in the U.S. this year)
Simian Mobile Disco - "Temporary Pleasure"

Honourable mentions:
Bloc Party - "Intimacy Remixed", Franz Ferdinand - "Tonight", La Roux - "La Roux", Echo & The Bunnymen - "The Fountain", Bad Lieutenant - "Never Cry Another Tear", Doves - "Kingdom Of Rust"

Best Singles
Morrissey - "Something is Squeezing My Skull"
Arctic Monkeys - "Cornerstone"
Pete Doherty - "Broken Love Song"
Thom Yorke - "Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses"
Simian Mobile Disco - "Audacity Of Huge"
Heads We Dance - "Take My Picture"
Bloc Party - "One More Chance"
Frankmusik - "3 Little Words"
La Roux - "In For The Kill"
Franz Ferdinand - "No You Girls"

Honourable Mentions:
Lily Allen - "The Fear", White Lie - "Death"

Best Dance Tracks
Hostage - "I Get High"
The Count & Sinden - "Mega"
The Prodigy - "Invaders Must Die"
Bloc Party - "Trojan Horse (John B Remix)"
Frankmusik - "Confusion Girl (Russ Chimes Remix)"
La Roux - "In For The Kill (Skreams Lets Get Ravey Remix)"
Little Boots - "Remedy (Rusko's 'Big Trainers' Remix)"
The Black Ghosts - "Full Moon (Marlow Remix)"

Best Compilations
Various Artists - "The Twilight Saga: New Moon"
Various Artists - 5: Five Years of Hyperdub
FabricLive.44 - Commix
FabricLive.47 - Toddla T

As I said, I'll keep it coming but these were the first albums/songs to come to mind. Thank all of you for all your support; I wouldn't be where I am with out you all!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Heads We Dance PLUS Remixes!

If you read the blog regularly you'll know that I've been anxiously awaiting remixes for "Take My Picture"... and they couldn't come at a better time of year! Just as everything is freezing and awful looking they deliver remixes that make it feel like Summer again :)

Heads We Dance we kind enough to take a few minutes to do a little Q & A for us and give us 3 new remixes! So please read below to find out what their new single is about, what artist almost made Yoni take scissors to his neck, and HWD's tips on how to make it in the industry. Of course the aforementioned remixes are just below this awesome interview...

ISoA: What was the inspiration for "Take My Picture" (which by the way has one of the catchiest choruses you've ever written)?

It’s about the power relationship between celebrities and the press; it’s a two-way thing, which can work in a similar way to a romantic relationship. That’s the main theme of the song anyway; the inspiration for the general sound of the song was the fact that we were really longing to make an out-an-out pop track! I’m glad you picked up on the catchy chorus – we definitely went for that, and putting Becky centre stage also gives the track a real pop feel.

ISoA: It seems like most bands or artists have one... do you have a favourite song that you've written?

We always get really excited by the song that we’re currently working on. As a band it’s important you keep it exciting for yourself, and I guess you always want to be thinking the next thing you do will be the best thing you’ve ever done. Now is no exception! It’s a bit of a cop-out because nobody can hear this track yet, but we’ve nearly finished the follow up to 'Take My Picture' and we all absolutely love it… It’s called 'Guilty Heart' and I honestly think it's the best thing we’ve done.

ISoA: What have been your favourite albums this year?

Heads We Dance: I really like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs album; we all went to see them live a couple of weeks ago and it was just great too. ‘Heads Will Roll’ especially was just huge! The Fever Ray album was sonically fantastic; amazing soundscapes. Recently I’ve been listening to quite a bit of the new Boys Noize album (which seems to have been somewhat overlooked) and the Blakroc album as well.

ISoA: Is there any song you could go the rest of your lives without hearing?

Heads We Dance: Can I say the entire Jamiroquai back catalogue? I was having my haircut the other day and they put a Jamiroquai album on. I almost wrestled the scissors off them and stabbed myself in the neck to make it stop. I didn’t - I stayed in my seat and got my hair cut – but only because I’m polite! I would happily never hear any one of those songs again!

ISoA: Are there any artists, or bands, that you expect big things from this coming year?

Heads We Dance: Loads of the acts that inspired our Love Technology album like Justice, Chromeo and Digitalism have been out of the spotlight for a while so I'm looking forward to what they come up with next year. I'm also hoping that A-Trak will put an album together as I've loved almost all his remixes and original tracks. I also have to confess that I'm looking forward to some big blockbuster pop albums from Britney, Kylie et al!

ISoA: Obviously you've kept it together and big things have happened for you all. Has there ever been a moment where one or all of you said, "We may not be able to do this", where you considered packing it in?

Heads We Dance: Yeah I think it's fair to say we've all had our moments, especially when we're juggling music, jobs and relationships. We've had some amazing reactions to our tracks over the last 18 months but we still have to work really hard to keep things moving!

ISoA: So far what has been your biggest moment as a band?

Heads We Dance: I'm not sure really. Releasing 'The Human Touch' was a big moment as it felt like a turning point and the start of a much more positive time for us. Releasing 'Take My Picture' feels like a big moment too though because it has shown us we can surpass our indie band origins to make some proper pop!

ISoA: Are there anything embarrassing moments hiding in the bands past?

Heads We Dance: We like to keep moving as a band so we can be pretty dismissive of things we've done in the past - there is a demo version of 'Love In The Digital Age' floating about on the net which is pretty embarrassing. If we stand back from it all though we realise that we wouldn't be where we are now if it wasn't for past mistakes... don't listen to that demo though!

ISoA: Does anyone in the band have a hidden talent?

Heads We Dance: Becky is an awesome cook and likes to bake stuff to keep us going in the studio! I have also been told that I look like an albino Snoop Dogg though I'm not sure if that's a hidden talent...

ISoA: You guys are the ones who introduced me to Frankmusik; how did you come to work with Vince on the "Love In The Digital Age" remix?

Heads We Dance: We were put in touch with Vince via the guys at Puregroove Records. We had actually never heard of him (this was back in 2007) but loved his remix of 'Digital Age'. We supported him at The Cockpit in Leeds in November this year - one of the best and most fun gigs we've ever done.

ISoA: This is probably my most asked question: With the collapse of traditional music industry, what do you suggest to young bands trying to make it right now?

Heads We Dance: Be organised and be prepared to put in some hard work! I think it's also important to enjoy what you're doing while you're doing it - it's easy to get sucked into always looking forward to the next stage and getting hung up on that. Also, don't be shit and rely on a nice haircut - there's too much of that about!

I wanna thank them for taking the time to answer these questions and for giving us these wicked remixes! Make sure you pick up "Take My Picture/After Dark"!

Heads We Dance - Take My Picture (Digital Foxglove Remix)"

Heads We Dance - Take My Picture (Justin Faust Remix)"

Heads We Dance - Take My Picture (Coin Operated Boy Remix)"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

NON-BRIT: Larry Tee vs Don Diablo!

Larry Tee is my hero. He's my friend. And he has very often been my mentor (despite being many states away and only seeing each other once every 3 years or so). The man has influenced music in a way that many DJs and producers could only DREAM of.

Here's a little Wiki-bio for those of you not familiar with his work...
Tee was born to two Canadian-born citizens in Seattle, Washington. He grew up in Seattle and then Marietta, Georgia. He moved to Atlanta in the early eighties, where he became a part of the music scene and he hung out with drag personalities such as RuPaul, Lady Bunny, Amanda Lepore, and Lahoma Van Zandt at the Celebrity Club in Atlanta.

In 1989, Tee along with RuPaul and Lady Bunny and Lahoma Van Zandt moved to NYC and quickly took over the Club Kids scene with his epic party, Love Machine. He hosted the infamous DISCO 2000 seen in the movie Party Monster's hot body contest, and also DJ'ed at the ROXY on a weekly basis.

During the 1990s, he became a prominent DJ by playing at highly-regarded venues such as Palladium, Twilo, and the Roxy NYC. In 1992, Tee co-wrote the RuPaul's top 40-hit "Supermodel (You Better Work)".

In the early 2000s, Tee created and trademarked the term "electroclash" and it became well known enough that it started to appear in the Oxford Dictionary. He coordinated and managed the 2001 Electroclash Festival, which featured Scissor Sisters, Fischerspooner, Ladytron and Peaches, who all participated in the festival. He also created and managed the nouvea-music electro girl group, W.I.T."

I mean come on! Creating "electroclash" and then defining music for years to come, helping launch some of the most important acts this decade, writing on of the most popular dance songs of all time? THE MAN IS A GENIUS! I could tell you more awesome things about him (like his amazing transformation from drug addict to superstar DJ) but I'm sure you'd rather hear this remix, featuring Roxy Cottontail, from 2009's remix king Don Diablo :)


Here's Don Diablo's press...
Don Diablo (, who's currently on tour through North America, gets nasty with New York nightclub legend Larry Tee's forthcoming single 'Let's Make Nasty' on Ultra Records, adding tons of subbass, freaky synthstabs and his trademark guitarlicks, turning 'Let's make Nasty' into an effective clubrocker Don Diablo style. Play this baby on a big soundsystem in a dark underground club and damage will be done to the dancefloor. Expect Don Diablo to cause damage to dancefloors in Houston (Rich's, 17 Dec), El Paso (Club 101, 18 Dec) and San Diego (Voyeur, 19 Dec) this week!

I love being able to post stuff that has two people I admire in it and this is one of those rare opportunities. Larry Tee is an inspiration to me and I don't think he has any idea how much people adore him. IF you somehow don't own Larry's most recent album Club Badd you need to get with it and but it here.

Anyway, I'll be back soon with new stuff from HWD! I'll try to get it up quick (but finals and life are kicking my ass)... be back soon!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Don Diablo & Scanners, Faithless dubstep remix, new RKC, and Lunar Youth!

The busiest-remixer-in-the-world-ever-full-stop, Don Diablo, has just released an official remix for the delightfully dark Scanners (one of the best, most underrated acts ever on Dim Mak) which will surely blow your skull & crossbone socks right off!

Here's the press...
Don Diablo ( takes on the new single 'Salvation' by UK rock outfit Scanners ( and turns it into an epic monster of a track by adding guitar licks, haunting strings, distorted basslines and a killer break. The 'Salvation' remix EP drops December 8 on Dim Mak Records, so get your copy on Beatport! For North American fans, ravers, hotties and non-believers, be sure to catch Don Diablo in Chicago (Dec 10), Phoenix (Dec 11), Toronto (Dec 12), Houston (Dec 17), El Paso (Dec 18), and San Diego (Dec 19). New North American dates and cities already confirmed for 2010 and to be announced soon!


I've gotta admit... I've never been a big Faithless fan. I saw Sister Bliss play, at I think it was Prive, which was pretty cool... and I recognize their importance to dance music... but most of their stuff has never really been my thing. However, this dubstep remix of 'Sun To Me' is the perfect way to get my attention. I want to hear remixer Emalkay do a remix for Massive Attack after hearing this (it would be perfect)! I like how the press release talks about sunshine and this track is crazy dark lol...

And here's the press for this one...
Taster track ‘Sun To Me’ is a precursor to the full return of Faithless next year – the new album early in 2010 heralds a new Faithless experience, encompassing the band’s celebrated eclecticism, originality and ambience that has made them a global phenomenon.

Faithless have been introducing ‘Sun To Me’ around the UK and Europe with a string of Faithless Sound System live dates over the last 2 months and with some amazing remixes from Alex M.O.R.P.H, Gui Boratto and a classic rework from renowned Birmingham dubstep producer Emalkay, the track has been going down a storm.

“inspired by the Californian sunshine, and the wide open spaces along the Pacific highway – Sun To Me hopefully shines a little light in these dark times” Sister Bliss

Next week iTunes take Faithless’ ‘Sun To Me’ around the globe when they offer the track free for 7 days only. ‘Sun To Me’ (Faithless Dub) will be available to iTunes customers in UK, US, Japan, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and Mexico from Tues Dec 15th until Dec 22nd.

FAITHLESS - 'Sun To Me' zShare

Check out more at their website or Myspace!

Also, our good buddy Adam Ficek of Roses Kings and Castles (as well as a little band called Babyshambles) had a couple of free tracks he wanted to give away to you devoted listeners. I don't know about you but I still can't shake "Entroubled" from my head (nor do I want to). I hope you enjoy these tracks, and feedback in the comments is ALWAYS welcome :)

Roses Kings and Castles - "Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid"

Roses Kings and Castles - "Empty Shells"

And last but not least we've got newbies Lunar Youth and their b-side to "Misfits" called "Peppermint Lounge"... it's certainly interesting to me because it sounds different... I mean just plain different! In an age where there are way too many bands who are turning out the same garbage over and over it's refreshing to hear something new (I will say I feel like they listened to "Sound & Vision" prior to writing the song lol). How do I feel about it though? I tend to go for angsty stuff or ecstatic craziness... so I dunno, I admire their enthusiasm... better question is what do you think?

Lunar Youth - "Peppermint Lounge" YSI

I'm getting a Q & A ready with Heads We Dance and some other surprises so STAY TUNED!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Cazals split! Leave us with "Life Is Boring"

The Cazals are dead. Long live Cazals.

Cazals - "Life Is Boring (Jali Remix)" YSI
Cazals - "Life Is Boring (Jali Remix)" zShare

C A Z A L S S P L I T:
"After many great years together we have chosen to go our separate ways and bring Cazals to an end. We want to thank everyone who supported us, whether by coming to shows, buying our album or just humming along to one of our songs, we really appreciate your support. Thanks to yourselves we had a fantastic journey; playing some incredible shows around the world and achieving the dream of releasing an album to be proud of, in ‘What Of Our Future’. A special thanks to Andre, Kitsune and Sean Mclusky in helping to make the album a possibility. We are splitting so that as individuals we can pursue our own frontiers"

Watch video for "Life is Boring"

Read the full story on Myspace.

Pick up their last single... here's the track listing!
1.Life Is Boring (Original)
2. Life Is Boring (Runaway Remix)
3. Life Is Boring (Jali Remix)
4. Life Is Boring (Viking Remix)
5. Life Is Boring (Josh Pillbox Remix)

It's a sad thing, but look for good stuff from the members in the future! Be back soon!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Primary 1 & Riton present "Radiate"

Primary 1 did a wicked remix of Late Of The Pier I'm pretty sure I posted... and Riton has had a couple bangers that I've posted so... I've very pleased to present this video AND this new song "Radiates"...

Primary 1 & Riton - "Radiates"

How ya like that? Good stuff innit? I don't have much time (school) but I wanted to share this with you guys. Keep checking back because I'm determined to make this month the best one so far for the year! See you soon!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Heads We Dance present "Take My Picture Video"!

I love Heads We Dance... they've been really getting places as of late and yet they're cool enough to remember where they came from (which I really respect). I am very proud to present to you this wicked new video for "Take My Picture"...

The video is a perfect stylish counterpart to such a sleek sounding song. Around about 2:10 you realize that this song is going to be stuck in your head for months to come, and if you're like me? You're lusting after some remixes :) Heads We Dance have proved time and time again that they are committed to being one of the best dance bands out there and that hard work evident in "Take My Picture".

On that note it's worth mentioning that their remix album, Dance Technology, it's still up on their website for download! I recommend you take a listen before it goes to iTunes and other digital download sites... take a listen here.

Here's a little more info... and some praise :)

"HEADS WE DANCE are pushing all the right buttons." - Mixmag

"Glittering, lustrous electro-pop" - Artrocker

"The twisted offspring of an illicit threeway between French disco,
pop and forward thinking electro" - iDJ

"Everything that La Roux wants to be and a whole lot more." - Leeds Guide

"HEADS WE DANCE are fast becoming stars." - Yorkshire Evening Post

Check out more at their website or Myspace! And keep looking back here as I'm sure they'll give us some free remixes and tracks closer to the release!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

NEW Robot Koch video!

He's my boy so you know I'm going to post this. Go pick up his album Death Star Droid at fine retailers and online stores everywhere :)

robot koch - gorom sen from robot koch on Vimeo.

P.s. I hear Robert is in the studio with Jahcoozi so expect big things soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Filthy Dukes- "Tupac Robot Rock (feat Wiley)"

I've been enjoying Filthy Dukes a lot this year. They did a total barn burner of a Fabric Mix and then unleashed "Tupac Robot Rock". Now we've got this remix with Wiley on the track and it's killer!

I really like Wiley best on dance tracks I think?!? I mean, I like his albums, and his singles, but the 4/4 beat just suits the guy. I know this might not be everyone's style but... I still enjoy the old school rave/buzzsaw synth thing so it works for me. I'd play it out... in fact I will...

Filthy Dukes - "Tupac Robot Club Rock (Kill Em All Let Wiley Sort It Out Remix - Clean Radio Edit)" YSI

Filthy Dukes - "Tupac Robot Club Rock (Kill Em All Let Wiley Sort It Out Remix - Clean Radio Edit)" Soundcloud

This is a really fun one to post and I hope you enjoy it... we need more songs like this as the weather gets worse :( I wanted to mention we do have a winner for the Bad Lieutenant contest and the full details will be on the site soon! Be back...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

UNRELEASED Frankmusik King Cannibal Remix, PLUS Don Diablo!

I was wondering how long it was going to be before we had an official piece of mail about our dear Mr. Vincent Turner (aka Vincent Frank, aka Frankmusik)... I was trying to avoid posting anything on my own because I recognize the preferential treatment he gets on this blog lol.. I was thrilled to see this message from British musical institution Ninja Tune about an unreleased King Cannibal remix of Frankmusik's classic "3 Little Words"!

Sad thing is apparently the whole remix package got scrapped that this had been part of. Shame because it was might mighty good one! Well I guess turn that frown upside down because, despite not getting released as part of the remix package, the KC remix is here for you! For FREE! From Ninja Tune!

Frankmusik - "3 Little Words (King Cannibal Remix)" WAV version via .zip on Ninja Tune servers

Frankmusik - "3 Little Words (King Cannibals KC in CK Remix)" YSI m4a file to register on!

King Cannibal's acclaimed debut album "Let The Night Roar" is out now on Ninja Tune... you can get a free megamix of his new album here... and the Prodigy remix here! Check out the Myspace and Ninja Tune!

A non Brit extra from our very good friend Don Diablo... I figured I'd throw this on as I haven't been on the internets in a minute and I owe you guys some tunage! I know you all love this dude, I love this dude, and I could care less if it's off format lol...

Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" YSI
Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" zShare
Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" Box
Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" Mediafire

Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" YSI
Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" zShare
Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" Box
Don Diablo - "I Need To Know" Mediafire

Here's the press write up in case you wanted to know more!
"Don Diablo's ( trademark guitarlicks, staccato basslines and distorted synths are all united in this funky little number called 'I need to know'. It will not be on his forthcoming album, but it does come in two versions, an original version and an extended mix for those who are not afraid to try shake things up in their neighbourhood disco. Do you want to get Don Diablo's forthcoming album for FREE, straight into your inbox 6 weeks ahead of release? Then sign up here and tell your friends about it:"

And this is still a way off but I want to help support my boys at Fabric (ya mans still here, I'm just dealing with some stuff guys!) coming up in December here... peep the line up...

11 DECEMBER 2009

The Chemical Brothers (DJ Set), Hercules & Love Affair (LIVE), Riton, Filthy Dukes, Stopmakingme,

Boy 8-Bit, We Have Band (LIVE), Noob, Crystal Fighters (LIVE), Tronik Youth

The Juan Maclean (DJ Set), Dan Beaumont (Disco Bloodbath), Damon Martin (Disco Bloodbath), Ben Pistor (Disco Bloodbath)

As the ahead-of-the-game Kill Em All family step up to celebrate 6 years of future-forward ideas and imaginative artistry, by now an endless list of journalists and publications have tried to pen their history to paper. Perhaps it’s best left to Olly Dixon (1/2 of the Filthy Dukes) to put it into his own words, describing how it’s all started, shaped and progressed over the years.

“Kill Em All first began life as Kill Em All Let God Sort It Out at the Embassy bar in Islington, 2003. It was named with our good friend Stokley Webster after a poster he had on his wall of New Order. Bernard Sumner was wearing a t-shirt adorned with the slogan in a photoshoot for the Melody Maker in 1986. The night began life on a Sunday evening and we invited bands to come and play the records that had influenced them. Simian Mobile Disco (then still performing as the band Simian), South, Zongamin, Electrelane & Menlo Park were the original record selectors and every night was dead, except for one, which fell on a bank holiday.

“The people who owned the Embassy then moved to The Lock Tavern in Camden and Kill Em All went with them. For some reason we decided, from this rather shabby start, that it was time to run a proper club night - so we ran a pre-party at the Lock and then the actual night took place at the gloriously grotty Barfly down the road.”

What made you decide to start Kill Em All?

“Inspired by Electroclash and club nights like Trash & Return To New York, we wanted to do something different. A new record label from New York called DFA had just released The Rapture's ‘House of The Jealous Lovers’ and LCD Soundsystem's ‘Losing My Edge’ - they sounded like the most exciting records we had ever heard and we wanted to be playing them to people. Trevor Jackson’s label Output was releasing some incredible music too, and there were some new emerging bands who seemed to share our ethos. So, with our record bags full of these - plus some classics from Roxy Music, Can & Talking Heads - we attempted to inflict our music on the indie kids of Camden. It had mixed results with a lot of complaints and arguments by the decks, but we stuck to our guns. Soon, playing a Daft Punk record next to a Gang of Four record meant we gained our own crowd…and six parties in, we had queues around the block. We wanted to book exciting new bands and DJs, with equal emphasis on both and soon gained a reputation for breaking new acts who went on to do rather well. Bloc Party, These New Puritans, We Are Scientists, The Rakes, Young Knives, Late Of The Pier, Friendly Fires, MSTRKRFT & Simian Mobile Disco all played very early gigs for us at the Barfly. After a year or so of some amazing parties, fabric got in contact about Kill Em All booking Room Two on a Friday bi-monthly and this is when things really started to get exciting.”

Can you tell us a bit about the Kill Em All parties you’ve thrown here at fabric, from 2003 until now?

“The second party at fabric was when it all fell into place. Playing live were electro goths White Rose Movement who had just released ‘Love Is A Number’ alongside Test-Icicles (who were the craziest band anyone had ever seen in fabric) and the indie dance masters Cut Copy. Filthy Dukes, Simian Mobile Disco and a little known French duo called Justice who hadn’t released a record yet were playing the records. Justice had of course done the rather amazing remix of Simian's ‘We Are Your Friends’ some time ago, but it was still a bit of an underground record at this point. Suddenly Room Two was the busiest in the club and things were going crazy. It felt like something really exciting was happening. Simian Mobile Disco and Justice became our unofficial residents alongside ourselves, and over the next few years we went on to program the whole club with guests along the way such as: Justice (live & DJ sets), Erol Alkan, Chemical Brothers, Friendly Fires, Boys Noize, Maccabees, Cut Copy, Clor, Late Of The Pier, Aeroplane, The Proxy, Crystal Castles, James Murphy, Popof, Surkin, Zombie Nation, Digitalism, Brodinski, In Flagranti, Jackson And His Computer Band, Busy P, Joakim, SebastiAn, Metronomy and the list goes on...

“Six years on and we are still as thirsty as ever for new music and putting on a party. The team of Filthy Dukes and Stopmakingme marches on alongside newest resident Riton. We are very, very happy to still be working with fabric and we recently released our FABRICLIVE 48 mix album.”

And that takes us up to the present. As for their 6th birthday party, the Kill Em All crew decided to…

“...go all out. Hercules and Love Affair are a band we have been trying to book from the moment we heard their early release ‘Classique 2’ and then saw their amazing live show at Bestival. ‘Blind’ was played by almost every DJ one night at fabric, so this is something really special for us and we are so chuffed they agreed to play. Room One is a bit of a family affair after that with all the residents - Riton, Stopmakingme and of course ourselves - so expect a few classic tracks from the past 6 years of Kill Em All thrown in.

“In Room Two we have Boy 8-Bit who - with his last single ‘Baltic Pine’ and his remix for Florence & The Machine - seemed to take a slightly new direction. For me, they are two of the best tracks of the year. His DJ sets are amazing, and take all sorts of unexpected twists and turns. We have played with him several times but this is his first Kill Em All gig. Noob is one of the best remixers and producers around at the moment; his track with Brodinski, 'Peanut Club' has been played in every trendy discotheque in the world and we put it on our FABRICLIVE 48 mix. He has also made some of the best remixes of the past 12 months for the likes of Tiga & Popof. Tronik Youth is on warm up duties, who has been impressing us with his clever disco-tinged remixes and recent release, ‘Disco Sucks.’ We Have Band! is our favorite band of the past 12 months - so much so we released their last single on Kill Em All Records. Like ESG meets LCD meets Prince, they have an awesome live show and played for us at fabric at the start of the year. Since then they have been on tour constantly, so we are really happy they are coming back for their last London show of the year. Crystal Fighters are a great live act and brilliant people. I have to admit the first time I saw their live show I really wasn't sure, but I have seen them loads since and they have become one of my favorite bands. They are the real deal.

“Room Three we have given over to the Disco Bloodbath boys, who have helped sculpt London's club scene in the past 12 months. We thought - who better to host Room Three for us on our birthday? We are massively excited to welcome back Juan Maclean for a DJ set, who, in our opinion, released one of the albums of the year with Future Days.

“Oh yes, last but not least we have THE FUCKING CHEMICAL BROTHERS DJING! Without a shadow of a doubt, they are the biggest influence on everything dance music. I was 15 when Exit Planet Dust came out and it was the first time I ever really got dance music. It sounded like the most exciting thing on earth and from there I was hooked. It goes without saying that they have released some of the most incredible dance music ever made - from ‘Chemical Beats’ to ‘Galvanize,’ and ‘Out of Control’ to ‘Hey Boy Hey Girl,’ they are the undisputed champions and we are so privileged to have them come to DJ in Room One.”

I'm tired right now so that's that... but hopefully I'll have some Roses Kings and Castles soon for you plus some other good stuff I've let slip because I've been busy! Check back soon, and thanks for stopping by :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

CONTEST: Win Bad Lieutenant Deluxe Prize Package!

Oh I'm reallllllllly enjoying this Bad Lieutenant album.

So these upcoming concerts are like a special delivery from God itself!



It is with frustration and regret that *Bad Lieutenant* reluctantly announces the cancellation of the band's four U.S. dates set to commence next week. The more stringent immigration laws and changing visa parameters resulted in an inability to process the necessary paperwork.

"We were all so very excited about coming to the States to play our new music for our American fans," said Bad Lieutenant's Bernard Sumner, "and are extremely disappointed that on this occasion, we won't have the opportunity to do so. We plan to reschedule the Chicago and New York shows along with some additional U.S. dates in Spring 2010."

The four Bad Lieutenant dates that have been cancelled are:
November 18 - Park West (headline), Chicago, IL
November 19 - supporting the Pixies in Chicago, IL
November 21 - Webster Hall (headline), New York, NY
November 23 - supporting the Pixies in New York, NY

The concerts were in support of /Never Cry Another Tear/, Bad Lieutenant's debut release which arrived in stories on Tuesday, November 10. The band features New Order/Joy Division's Sumner, newcomer Jake Evans on vocals and guitars as well as guitarist Phil Cunningham and drummer Stephen Morris, musicians who helped make the legendary New Order a multi-Platinum-selling band and one of the most influential forces over the past three decades in the alt/rock/dance genres.
Bad Lieutenant's Spring 2010 dates will be announced soon."

Hmmm? What's that? You wanna go? And see what The Music Slut brilliantly described as New Order - Peter Hook + Blur’s Alex James?

Well you can do that! If you get chosen that is :) I've got tickets for shows at both Park West in Chicago and Webster Hall in New York! Two great shows in two of the greatest cities in the world... Put your names in the comment section (if you live in the Chicago/New York area, or can make it on your own dime to Chicago/New York) and one reader will be chosen to win a pair of tix (obviously separate winners for each night) to see one the coolest bands this year with members of a couple of the greatest bands EVER!

While you're waiting to see if you've made it enjoy these lil goodies:

Bad Lieutenant - "Sink Or Swim" YSI

THE NEW CONTEST WILL BE the Deluxe Bad Lieutenant package. What is that? How about you dream of the coolest thing that isn't free tickets to a show and there you have it! No, seriously though, so far what they've come up with is baller so don't be too sad about the change of plans/prizes :)

Check back as the contest will end, oh, let's say... November 15th? ALSO BE AWARE THAT THIS NOW OPENS THE CONTEST UP TO EVERYONE WHO LOVES BAD LIEUTENANT! Be back soon :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

To My Boy give us a taste of what's to come!

"Famous people" are bitches. No, I'm serious. You can't really be 'friends' with them because they aren't even themselves... they're usually representations of a concept, not a person. It's a horrible delusion to think that someone who has succeeded in the entertainment industry would give a flying **** what you're doing.

THAT SAID... some people are successful, even famous, and are simply themselves. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you see it) the media doesn't really tend to fixate on these types; but they are prone to remember them when something new is offered up. Every once in a while being yourself can do you favours in showbiz; being the real article makes people want to remember.

Here at Arcadia we want to remember To My Boy... but it's hardly an issue seeing as we've never forgotten! They have always been extremely hospitable and make you want to root for them, make you want to be friends with them even. I got an email from Jack Snape the other day about some new material they were working on...

It's best explained through the press from over at their label...
"Their label is currently hosting a download of new material and To My Boy's Jake Snaple alerted me to this awesomeness a couple of days ago... I wish I hadn't been so bust and had been able

To My Boy were the first ever signing to Abeano, back when it was a record label rather than the blog it is today. Two years ago, back when everyone was still listening to landfill indie, TMB were exploring bold new frontiers, making this weird Buggles-y pop that sounded like Clive Sinclair fronting OMD.

Despite selling a decent number of ‘Messages’ , Jack (above left) and Sam were disillusioned that in some quarters, being ahead of the curve was held against them rather than celebrated. They decided to take a break from music indefinitely both returning to university, singer Jack enrolling in a PhD in Physics…

I’m glad to report that Jack e-mailed me a few weeks back with news of a follow up to ‘Messages’. ‘The Habitable Zone’ is a concept album about what will happen when civilization drains earth of it’s natural resources, and the planet’s population has to migrate to another part of the galaxy. It’s really tremendous, positively Bowie-like in it’s lyrical content, maintaining an eerie sense of loss and displacement throughout. Not unlike, Duncan Jones’ recent Moon …

Basically, the new Enemy album it is not.

They’ll be releasing ‘The Habitable Zone’ themselves sometime next year. In the meantime, Jack has allowed me to post this demo, a brilliant new track called ‘Us & The Wind’. If I understand it correctly (!) it’s about how they’re using the sun to create a new eco system in the Habitable Zone, but ruing the loss of the brilliant nature created system they had on Earth. While reminiscing about what happened when the rising sea levels really began to hit home on Earth. It’s incredible, fo’ real. Please let us know what you think of it in the comments, no one’s heard this before!"

I'm going to host a short download simply so this hits the Hype Machine. I suggest you actually get the download from over at Please leave your comments because I'm very excited as to what you think of it!

To My Boy- "Us + The Wind"

Enjoy! I'll be back soon...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fake Blood's "Mars" finally gets release on Cheap Thrills!

Hell yeah! Fake Blood (aka Theo Keating of The Black Ghosts) dropped "Mars" a while back... and it was killer.

NOW it will finally see release, on Cheap Thrills, accompanied by a slew of remixes! I know you're already salivating... which is why I've got the Style Of Eye remix for ya!

Fake Blood- "Mars (Style Of Eye's Tool For School Remix)" zShare
Fake Blood- "Mars (Style Of Eye's Tool For School Remix)" YSI
Fake Blood- "Mars (Style Of Eye's Tool For School Remix)" Dropbox

Here's a little info:
Cheap Thrills Records will be releasing a remix EP of Fake Blood's underground club classic 'Mars' next week. The remix package also includes remixes by Boy 8-Bit, Jack Beats, Style of Eye's Edit To Debit Remix as well as the Hervé Re-Fix which was previously released on Hervé's Ghetto Bass compilation.

Check out more at Myspace and over at iTunes. I'll be back soon... I've just been really busy with school and the like. Be sure to check back!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

DJ ZINC'S "Crack House" Mix, plus a CASPA Fabric mix!

Those of you who know me know that one of my favourite words is "crack". Why? Say it out loud! Doesn't it sound funny? It may be the worlds deadliest drug, and the most fun word to say!

So I was very pleased to see this "crack house" mix from the legendary DJ Zinc in my inbox! Check it out, and check him out at Fabric this next Friday. You've got a week to listen and get hyped up! Believe you me, this is NOT to be missed!

Here's more info on the gig...
"In celebration of his performance next Friday the 16th of October at FABRICLIVE and in celebration of our 10th Birthday, DJ Zinc has put together this extra special crack house mix for the occasion."

DJ Zinc Crack House Mix

Ohhhh that's a good one... anyway, I've gotta get ready for The Spirit Of Albion, so enjoy and I'll be back soon! CRACK!

UPDATE: Apparently our boy Caspa decided to throw a mix in as well here! Exciting! Do NOT miss this show (Caspa will be on Thursday, not Friday)!

Caspa Fabric Promo Mix

Caspa - Ready Eddy (Sub Soldiers)
Trolley Snatcha - Circle K (Dub Police)
Trolley Snatcha - We Rock The Forest (Dub Police)
Subscape - Clear My Throat (Dub Police)
The Others - Puppet Walk (Dub Police)
Dr P - Badman Sound (Dub Police)
Caspa - Terminator (Sub Soldiers)
Caspa - Terminator (Trolley Snatcha Remix) (Sub Soldiers)
Emalkay - When I Look at You (Dub Police)
Trolley Snatcha - Scattah (Dub Police)
Kid Sister - Right Hand High (Caspa Remix) (Fools Gold)
The Others – Gravity (Dub Police)
Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember (Caspa Remix) (Mau5trap)

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

PRIMARY 1 vs SURKIN = "Who's White?"

Oh we love Surkin... and are quite fond of Primary 1... so after "Who's There" came out on Erol's Phantasy Sound label it was only a matter of time before something else blog worthy came from these names...

Now the aforementioned track has been mixed with Surkin's classic "White Night"!

The email said this track is "straight from the people who made the tracks themselves and a big feature of Riton's recent sets"... now you really want it don't you lol?

Primary 1 vs Surkin - "Who's White?"

While you're here you should get Primary 1's mixtape... good stuff!

What a wonderful treats! I wish I could have blogged it earlier but, gotta get my school work done first... also, while I've got a second, big shouts to Southern Fried Records, Ghostly International...

And perhaps most importantly wishing a VERY VERY happy birthday to our dear friend Frankmusik! Go over to Myspace and wish the man happy birthday on the 9th, and tell him ISoA sent ya!

Make sure to check out more from Surkin, Primary 1, Phantasy Sound, Riton, ad check this out if you missed it the first time around, "Who's There":

Be back soon!

ROBOT KOCH blows up with "Death Star Droid"!

With much pride I announce that our boy Robot Koch is releasing his debut album "Death Star Droid"! Using the term "debut" seems off since he's put out more material than some artists have in their whole career... nevertheless it's still really exciting no matter how you look at it... especially since you can get sunglasses with the album if you order through HMV!

Here is the digital pre-release on juno (which has already climbed up to the top ten dubstep charts)

Here's a link to the pre-oder vinyl THAT COMES WITH limited edtion SUNGLASSES! GENIUS! I can't get over how cool that is...

Check out "Hard To Find" while you're at it...

Here's the press:
RELEASED: 13th november 2009
digital: robots dont sleep
cd & vinyl: project mooncircle

"Following the successful ‘Aftershocks’ EP on his own Robots Don’t Sleep label, Robot Koch returns with his long anticipated full length ‘Death Star Droid’.

Technically, this is Robot Koch's debut LP but the man is no rookie - ‘Death Star Droid’ connects the dots between his club project Jahcoozi and his post rock outfit The Tape. He has also made beats and remixes for many international artists including Infinite Livez, Rustie and Amanda Blank - staple drops in the playlists of bass luminaries such as Starkey, Gas Lamp Killer and Hudson Mohawke.

‘Death Star Droid’ is infused with dubstep and wonky hip hop, but the introduction of live acoustic instruments and heartfelt melodies is what sets it apart. The grizzly synths and bass lines on ‘While’ are supported by a drifting piano. On ‘Hard To Find’ Robot introduces strings and flutes - the signature use of wobbling Moog and Korg present throughout.

Robot has always drawn inspirations from all ends of the musical spectrum.
Having started out as a drummer in a punk and hardcore band, he found his way into electronic music via hip hop, jazz and DJing. His favourite albums include ‘Reign In Blood’ by Slayer, ‘A Love Supreme’ by John Coltrane and ‘36 Chambers’ by Wu-Tang Clan.

Robot's mixtapes have what could be easily called a cult following on the net. The blogosphere is jam packed with these gems. What sets these mixes apart from the next man's is the liberty that they exhibited in defying genre based music by combining and clashing a broad spectrum of sound. Flying Lotus recently asked him to contribute a mixtape for the brainfeeder podcast. The mix featured West African folk and rare jazz oddities. Fly Lo had told Robot: “We gotta feed the kids more than just beats.” It's clear that the man listened.

‘Death Star Droid’ is far more than just a producer album with a selection of up to date beats. It's a sincere musical statement. Expect to be surprised - this is music made for true music lovers."

Get more info at Myspace and

Make sure you get this one, it's not to be missed!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hmmmph! I'm frust-ricated! There are only 24 hours in a day (or so I'm told) and a lot of those are allocated to "doing things that people don't want to pay to do" (i.e. school, cleaning, etc). If I was able I'd be putting more of those hours aside to write blog postings for you lot!

Since it has been a moment since my last outing so I have a LOT of stuff for you! First though, and most exciting for a large portion of you, is new ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN! They're back, how rad is that?!?!? You know what the best part is? The song? IT'S REALLY GOOD! I know that sounds funny, yeah, but it's worth noting! Often I'm afraid to listen to bands songs once they're entering the potential twilight of their career because, far too often, they aren't so awesome :( BUT NOT ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN! Their shit rocks out of control!

Echo & The Bunnymen - "Think I Need It Too" YSI
Echo & The Bunnymen - "Think I Need It Too" Mediafire

I wanna write more but I'm off to class! I'll tell you what I think of the whole album once I get a good listen! Keep your eyes and ears open, and I'll be back soon...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


62 mins long. 56.76mb of data. 100% awesome.

If it weren't for Hostage (and well the folks at Your Army) I wouldn't EVER know what was going on with dance music. For all the moaning I was doing the other day about dance music getting boring, this mix proves I was just in a bad mood (and didn't know what I was talking about at ALL)... from Black Noise's opener, to "Hangin' by our man Hostage, to our friends Martelo and Herve, down to the closing track from Grum this is a mix you DO NOT want to miss. Check it out right here:
Hostage - September Mix 2009 YSI
Hostage - September Mix 2009 zShare

Hostage - September Mix 2009

1 Black Noise - Check The Blast
2 Hostage - Hangin'
3 Lee Mortimer & Foamo - It's Going Down
4 B. Rich - Killin' It
5 Martelo feat. Hervé - Wasted
6 Hostage - I Get High
7 Together - Hardcore Uproar (Lee Mortimer Rmx)
8 Foamo - Movin' It Over Here (Hey Now Remix)
9 Jennifer Delano - Amsterdam (Riptide Remix)
10 Tom deluxx - Reactivate
11 NT89 ft Distrakt - Pumpin' (GTRONIC_rmx)
12 Sawgood- CTRL Your Brain (Calvertron Rmx)
13 D.I.M. - Lyposuct (Edit)
14 SonicC - Stickin'
15 Grum - Heartbeats

Make sure you check Hostage out Death Disco this weekend!

HUSHPUPPY 11pm-11.45
MIXHELL (LIVE) 1am-2am
HOSTAGE 2am-3am

MINGO-GO 10pm-11.30pm
JOE AND WILL ASK? (LIVE) 11.30pm-12.30pm
J.G.WILKES 12.30am-1.45am


Watch out for EXCITING THINGS in Midland St 'til midnight.
HALF PRICE PASSES (£7.00) at - valid until 11.30pm.
NB: Death Disco promotes an alternative, open-minded club environment.

Ok, hope you enjoy this musical pot of gold and I'll be back asap!

BONUS: Our friend from Acidkids sent us this earlier... may not be British BUT they are friends of the blog! Enjoy!

Daniel Dexter aka Dex Exploited/Acidkids Berlin Live in New York City YSI
Daniel Dexter aka Dex Exploited/Acidkids Berlin Live in New York City

01. Intro
02. Simian Mobile Disco – Audicity of Huge (A Chicken Lips Malfunction)
03. Trentemoeller – Vamp (Kasper Bjorke Remix)
04. Mowgli – Pa Po Pon (Nat Self Remix)
05. Brazilian Girls – Good Time (Diplo Remix)
06. Malente&Dex – Gipsy Kings
07. Metronomy – Radio Ladio (Radioclit Swedish Remix)
08. Isolee – Schrapnell
09. Ratatat – Mirando
10. Major Lazer – Mi pon da floor
11. Acidkids – Mitch (Felix Cartal Remix)
12. Space – Magic Fly
13. Siriusmo – High together
14. Sebastien Tellier – La Ritournelle (Mr Dans Magic Wand Mix)

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Dot Allison & Peter Doherty, plus Britpop!

I gotta admit I've been pretty bored with dance music as of late. I'm not saying that quality tracks haven't been coming out... it's just I'd rather listen to Blur, Oasis, Joy Division, Morrissey, The Cure, Late Of The Pier, and Klaxons (speaking of, when is that Klaxons album gonna come out now?!?! If you have "The Parhelion", "Moonhead", "Marble Fields And The Hydrolight Head Of Delusion", "Imaginary Pleasures", "Silver Forest", "Echos", "Venus", or "Hoodoo Borer" let me know!)

I mean, I dunno, maybe I'm full of it but British music (on a whole) is sort of in hibernation right now. We're looking back to Britpop, and finding some new scattered gems along the way, but music as a whole feels sort of stuck. So maybe it's time to review some of the glories of the somewhat recent past... and a couple of gems from the future :)

My friend, and inspiration, Dot Allison is about to put out a brilliant record called "Room 7 !/2 and a more polished version of this gem will be on it... these two really should do a whole album together!

Dot Allison & Peter Doherty- "I Wanna Break Your Heart (Demo)"

For more Dot Allison check here!

I heard over my Honeymoon that Oasis were quits, and last I heard Blur aren't writing any new music which basically amounts to the same things. So who is going to take their place. Arctic Monkeys are you gonna do it? Or are The Libertines coming back?

Blur- "Out Of Time (Live)" YSI

Oasis- "Let's All Make Believe (B-Side)" YSI

I hope you all enjoy. As the sun sets on Summer all these melancholy songs seem appropriate headed into fall... I can think of one good album to look out for: Bad Lieutenant I just started listening to today, Muse also look promising (but we'll see, and there is an upcoming Massive Attack EP that (trust me) is VERY exciting. I'll be back soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

MORE EXCLUSIVES: Simian Mobile Disco Rough Mixes!

Soooooooo... I didn't realize yesterday that MOST of these songs I have are on the extra disc for Temporary Pleasure, or the album itself. I sort of am behind on this album because I didn't have much music in Jamaica... or a computer for that matter.

BUT, anyway, these versions are not those aforementioned bonus tracks! These, like "Santiago" (the only original) yesterday, are the original rough mixes!

Simian Mobile Disco- "Pinball (Rough Mix)"

Simian Mobile Disco- "The Weight (Cruel Intentions Rough Mix)"

Simian Mobile Disco- "Gannymede (Audacity Of Huge Rough Mix)"

Simian Mobile Disco- "Flea In Your Ear (Rough Mix)"

Sorry folks, didn't last long!

Enjoy because, trust me, they won't be up very long :)

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Unreleased Simian Mobile Disco, Fenech Soler & Vega remixes, and Heads We Dance Remix album!

Well, after waiting 7 months, I've finally decided to go ahead and post this unreleased Simian Mobile Disco track. It seems that a few others have made their way onto the Hype Machine ("Flea In Your Ear", "Pinball") so I suppose at this point they must not mind. It's a rough mix anyway which is sort of like looking through the trash bin seeing as it's not the finished product... unless you really like SMD. I do, and this song is the shit.

Simian Mobile Disco- "Santiago (Rough Mix)"

UK residents Fenech-Soler did a remix for someone called Mimo?!? I no nothing about the gent but the song is pretty fucking cool. There is a Vega (from Austin, Texas) remix here as well and both are in 320 for you audiophiles! The Fenech-Soler remix is vaguely trancey, and sort of his this gospel-y chorus, and frankly I'm not even sure what genre it is, but in my mind that's a good thing? I really like the bit at 5:10... really good song for transitions in a DJ set...

Mimo- "Running Out (Fenech-Soler Mix)" YSI
Mimo- "Running Out (Fenech-Soler Mix)" zShare
Mimo- "Running Out (Vega Mix)" zShare

Check out more Fenech-Soler at Myspace, and Vega also at Myspace!

And lastly our good friends Heads We Dance have decided on a winner for their remix competition! AND their new remix album Dance Technology is on it's way as well... here's some more info from the group themselves:

"The first remix competition entry we've chosen to go on our forthcoming remix album, Dance Technology, is on our MySpace player now (! The remix of our album track 'You Are Never Alone With Model 21' is by the fantastic Justin Faust and features brand new vocals by Becky! Check the remix out now and let us know what you think.

The Dance Technology album is a "best of" our remixes and includes tracks by Don Diablo, Frankmusik, Russ Chimes, Tepr, Louis La Roche and Sidechains, as well as four exclusive new remixes. It will be available as a FREE download for a limited time from from 28th September. Keep checking our website for more details!

In celebration of the art of the remix, we've started a weekly series of articles on our favourite remixes. You can read the latest here

Ok, that's all I've got right now BUT I'll be back soon! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Bernard of New Order comes back with Bad Lieutenant!

Apparently it's legendary musician day here at ISoA! First Ian Brown now this...

I was gutted when New Order broke up because they're one of my favourite bands and I've never gotten to see them play. I'm almost speechless when I think about it...

HOWEVER! Bad Lieutenant has shown up and now my fears are going away... perhaps I'll never see all four New Order members on stage again BUT, based on this new single, I'll still get to hear Bernard Sumner's familiar voice!

I can talk about New Order for some time but let's not live in the past, and let this press blurb lead us into the future!

"In some sense, the album is a little bit like a Manchester reunion – Alex James from Blur and Stephen Morris from New Order and Joy Division can be heard on a handful of recordings.

Bad Lieutenant is Bernard Sumner (New Order, Joy Division), Phil Cunningham (Marion, Run Run Run), and Jake Evans (Marion). Their debut album will be released in October 2009 on Triple Echo Records. The album’s debut single, “Sink or Swim,” will be released on September 21, 2009. “Sink or Swim” – along with the rest of the album – retains a crux of New Order’s three-decade-strong mantra, while at the same time setting sail to a completely novel breeze.

Bad Lieutenant- "Sink Or Swim" YSI

Apparently UK tour dates were announced Wed 8/26 and can be found on MySpace. They are releasing the debut, “Never Cry Another Tear”, in early October. Make sure you pre-order that one! Be back soon :)

NEW TUNE: Hostage Remixes Ian Brown!

When I was on my Honeymoon I spent a lot of time listening to, and reading about, The Stone Roses. My first memory of the band really is "Fools Gold", which is not surprising, seeing as I was really young and don't remember anything else coming out from them prior to that on U.S. radio!

Charles from The Spirit Of Albion and I are both big fans of the Roses, as well as The Seahorses, and good old Ian Brown himself. I'm pretty sure I can speak for him and say we are also big fans of Hostage.

Hostage has become the portrait of what a DJ should be like in this new musical economy. He's kind, accessable, very considerate, honest, gives away loads of free music, writes good tunes, and has fun doing it! I hope if I ever make it that I manage to be that way... and I think there are a good lot of you out there who could learn from his example. Doesn't seem like the type of guy who would forget the people who supported him over the years; in other words a nice bloke.

Talking to him earlier this morning he sent me a list of tracks and I was elated to see that he had done a remix for the previously mentioned Mr Brown. He said it was just a little rerub for club consumption... but that doesn't make it any less cool. In fact I like this more as a club song and he chooses the right elements to play up for sure. So, with his blessing, I present you with the Hostage remix of "Stellify"

Ian Brown- "Stellify (Hostage Remix)" YSI
Ian Brown- "Stellify (Hostage Remix)" Mediafire

Thanks again to Hostage for the tune... I'll leave you with the video for "Stellify"... I'll be back soon!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Return from Jamaica! New Metronomy, Buffetlibre, SMD, In Flagranti, Jahcoozi, M.I.A., Don Diablo, Joe & Will Ask, and Acid Kids!

I'm back from a PERFECT Honeymoon! Although it was a little over a year late it was just as amazing as if we had gone right after the wedding. Let me tell you, people always tell you Jamaica is really dangerous and that's a BUNCH of bullshit. I mean I suppose if you need to score crack at 3am in Kingston you might get robbed but otherwise it's a really a country full of really kind and caring people...

Anyway... I have SO much music in my inbox... I can't attempt to post them all and make any cohesive transition from the first one to the last one (not that I normally do)... soooooo, I guess just enjoy them all! I'm totally recharged from my trip so expect more posts. Not everything here is British but I wanted to give you guys a really big return post!

FIRST OFF... Metronomy have a new EP coming out from which we have the track of the same name! Metronomy have got their first London headline gig @ The Forum on the 18th September so make sure you march down there and check it out!

Metronomy- "Not Made For Love"

2nd off... here's a little reminder of last night's Fabric night with my favourites In Flagranti that I wanted to share... which I could have been there...

In Flagranti - Brash and Vulgar by fabric

3rd... I'm very excited to share that Buffetlibre have a bangin new mixtape for you (although you may already have it seeing as people download their mixes like crazy)... they never go wrong and I'm happy to consider them as good friends of the blog. I really like the story behind this new tape as well as the playlist...

"On 25 July 2005 a bit of us had to be kept in our memories forever. The closing of Cibeles Theater carried the end of Mond Club and so, the end of the coolest nights in Barcelona. Despite the huge clubbing offer in the city, the synergy of the theater and the club marked a golden age that we still love to recall, with wistful smile and wet eyes, with whom shared those moments with us.

Almost ten years after its opening, Buffetlibre DJ's has joined Buenavista, resident of Mond Club and one of the best dj’s from Barcelona, to pay homage to some of the most memorable nights in our life."

Recorded by Buffetlibre Dj's
Tracklist selected by Buenavista & Buffetlibre Dj's


1. Sintonia Buffetlibre
2. Andreas Dorau - Girls In Love
3. Ladytron - Playgirl
4. Mirwais - Naive Song
5. Jay Jay Johanson - On The Radio
6. Ginger Ale - Happy House
7. Fangoria - Electricistas
8. Monosurroud - I Warmed You Baby
9. Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better (Buffalo Bunch Remix)
10. Barcelona - Studio Hair Gel
11. Annie - The Greatest Hit (Röyksopp Remix)
12. Radio 4 - Dance To The Undergroud
13. The Rapture - House Of Jealous Lovers
14. Console - 14 Zero Zero
15. Chucho - Magic
16. La Casa Azul - Cerca De Shibuya
17. Urban Cookie Collective - Feels Like Heaven
18. The Juan Maclean - Give Me Every Little Thing (Cajmere Remix)
19. Whitey - Leave Them All Behind
20. Saint Etienne - Shower Scene
21. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air (Extended Mix)
22. Cassius – Feelings for you (Les Rythmes Digitales Remix)
23. Basement Jaxx - Bingo Bango
24. Etienne De Crécy - Prix Choc
25. Zoot Woman - It's Automatic
26. Le Hammond Inferno - Move Your Mp3
27. Betty Boo - Doin' The Do
28. MacNamara - Mi Correo Electronico Oh!
29. Justice vs. Simian - We Are Your Friends
30. ABBA - S.O.S.


Robert from Jahcoozi has always hooked us up with the best prerelease tracks... so I'm proud post this "Namedropper" video, and point you in the direction of a wicked Hannah Holland remix... which are right here :)

And make sure you check this out!

In case you missed it The Very Best have done a wicked track with M.I.A... I wish I could have posted it RIGHT when it came out but c'est la vie!
The Very Best- "Rain Dance (feat M.I.A.)"

More free music comes from our buddy Don Diablo who may well be crowned "King Of The Blogosphere" this year due to his sheer output, and great working relationship with bloggers. I'm happy to present an extra track that didn't make his forthcoming debut album. He said "Some great songs just didn't fit with the rest of the sound, but that doesn't mean it has to end up in my private collection!" so he's giving this track to you instead of letting it disappear into the ether. These are the same cats he recorded his track "Blow" with...


Check out more on Myspace!

I've spent a lot of time listening to "Audacity Of Huge" this weekend so a Simian Mobile Disco remix is a welcome addition to my playlist! It's done by The Lowbrows who have also provided an original production. Their SMD remix is more of an old school Hacienda style dance track which is prefect for end of Summer parties... listen for yourself!

Simian Mobile Disco - "Synthesise (The Lowbrows Remix)"
Simian Mobile Disco - "Synthesise (The Lowbrows Remix)" YSI

Here's one of their originals:

The Lowbrows - "Midnight Pirates"

Here's some info about The Lowbrows...

THE LOWBROWS are a creative unit that was formed in 2005,
by CHAKI and EMI.
CHAKI masters a variety of instruments, including the guitar, wooden
bass and turntables. He has been performing as a DJ for many years as
well. EMI shows off her talent, with her trained classical music
background. Their edgy sound is always looking toward the future, and
gives you a sense of innovation with every listen! Being an
electro/dance duo "made in Tokyo", gives THE LOWBROWS a unique
presence in the world today.

THE LOWBROWS have been gaining worldwide acclaim with achievements
like: being interviewed by Dazed & Confused from the UK, being
featured on famous blogs, having their music showcased on playlists by
many DJs, and more! With an amazing reputation for their remix work,
they are receiving a rush of offers from both Japanese and
international artists. As a DJ, CHAKI has performed with Digitalism,
The Bang Gang Deejays, Hot Chip, Friendly Fires, N.A.S.A., Danger
Steve Aoki, and many more.

Their first EP "THE LOWBROWS EP", was released in March 2007 (and is
no longer available). In February 2008, an unreleased track "Melody
And Shudder" was remixed by DEXPISTOLS and included on their mix CD
"Lesson 4". THE LOWBROWS gained public attention as they were the only
Japanese artists featured on it. A limited release of the vinyl THE
LOWBROWS VS 80KIDZ" went on sale in August of 2008. They followed this
up with their long-awaited 1st album "For Whom The Bell Tolls" in
December 2008 which featured the hits "Linda Is Tonight" and "Stay
Faceless", as well as previously unreleased tracks and remixes.

They are currently hard at work on their highly anticipated 2nd EP,
"Danse Macabre" which is scheduled to release on October 7th, 2009.
"Danse Macabre" will be yet another album from THE LOWBROWS, which
will innovate and show everyone another glimpse at the future of
electronic music, no matter where it is coming from...

Check out more at their Myspace!

Finally, our friends Acidkids have got a new track out which you can check out in the video below and purchase, if you like, over at Beatport!

As an extra Always Fridays provided a mix from Joe & Will Ask:
Joe and Will Ask Mixtape by alwaysfridays
Check out the next Always Fridays on Fri 11th Sep with The Subs. Here's a little more info... "Not only that but appearances from Punks Jump Up and The Lovely Jonjo will be complimented by Lisbon Techno duo, Heartbreakerz on the terrace. Monthly resident Peter Pixzel also features alongside weekly residents Jacob Husley and John & On."

And one more extra little bonus... As Tall As Lions remixed by Diplo!
As Tall As Lions- "Circles (Diplo Remix)"